Chapter 51

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"I know it is and I know you are, Tommy, to be honest, I'm scared too."

"Oh great, now who's gonna take care of our kids?" Tommy said laughing.

"You know, what you two are feeling is perfectly normal."

"Yeah, in Health class, the teacher says it's normal for parents to be nervous about their kids."

"And if you need help, we're there for you two."

"Yeah, if you need a babysitter, call us."

"Yeah and if you two want alone time, we can take care of them for you."

"Thanks guys but, I'm still nervous."

"Well, it'll be ok babe."

"Thanks babe." I said kissing Bekah's cheek.

"So, did the doctor give you a pic of the baby?"

"Yeah, look." I said getting the pic out and showing them.

"Aw! It's so cute!"

"And creepy considering it's in her stomach."

Bekah threw a pillow at Adam and laughed.

"Ok OW!"

"Don't make me mad boy."

"I hope I have kids someday."

"You will, maybe Adam and you will get drunk and have kids."

"SO NOT HAPPENING!" They both said.

{2 months later}

Bekah's pov:I was sitting on the couch watching tv while Tommy was cooking, I was in a very picky mood so everything he gave me, I would whine about.

"Tommy, where's my water?"

"I'm getting it babe, hang on."


"Sometimes I wish you would stop nagging."

"What was that?"


"If you think a woman nagging is annoying then fine! I got something that you may wanna learn to try and deal with." I said getting something.


I came back with something.

"What in the living hell is that?"

"Tommy, your language and second, this is something from a show that the husband wore cuz his wife wanted to show him how it was being pregnant so, now it's your turn mister."

|Haha remember on that one Full House episode, Becky made Jesse pregnant for a day? Haha I wanted to do the same with this xD|

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