Chapter 57

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"Good idea cuz I don't want my parents or your mom to think we would fuck."

"Yeah, then they'll try and separate us and I don't want that."

"Me neither."

{In the following weekend}

Bekah's pov:I called my parents to tell them about me and the babies, after calling them 3 times in a row, they finally picked up.


"Mom, we need to talk about something."

"Well, what is it? I don't have all day you know."

"Where are you guys?"

"We' a friend's house."

"Honey, where's the cup at?"

"What's dad talking about?"

"Why are you listening on our conversation?"

"I can hear dad wait, did you guys have your house all along!?"

"Yes dumbo, about time you finally realized it."

"Ok first, don't call me dumbo and second why the hell would you lie to me? You've lied to me all my life so I don't know why I'm surprised."

"We wanted to see how you and Tommy were, ok?"

"Wow, since when did you care about your daughter's life?"

"What did you call for, Rebekah?" My mom said starting to get annoyed.

"Tommy and I have some news to talk about with you two."

"What did you two do now?"

"Nothing bad, can we come over?"

"Sure, what else do we have to do besides listen to our daughter nag?"

"You know, that hurts me that you two are always rude to me."

"Just be over here and be gone." My mom said hanging up.

"Bitch." I said hanging up.

"What the fuck was that all about?" Tommy said chilling on the wall.

"I called my parents to tell them we are coming over to talk about me being pregnant and she was all bitch this and bitch that."

"Well, we might as well get it over with cuz I called my mom and told her about us coming over there after we go to your parent's house."

"Kay, sounds good." I said as I hugged him.


Tommy's pov:Beck and I drove to her parent's house to talk about her and her pregnancy, I'm gonna get ready for a lot of yelling but, she can't yell too much or she'll damage the babies.

"Remember, when we get there and if you start yelling at your mom, don't yell too much ok?"

"I know but, she always starts it."

"I know she does babe but, try to keep calm about it."

"I will."

{After they get there}

Bekah's pov:Tommy and I walked inside and saw mom and dad on the couch.


"Oh look, it's the devil and her boyfriend."

"Bob, remember what I told you, what did you two want?"

"We need to talk about something and you two have to swear not too get angry even though you will."


"Mom, Dad, I'm pregnant."

"PREGNANT!?" They both yelled.

"I knew it! I knew our daughter would be like this soon, Jill!"

"Look, it was an accident!"

"Yeah, a stupid one!"

"Does Adam know?"

"Yes he does and he's cool with it."

"How can he be so cool with it? He's out dating that Gabby bitch and now, our slutty daughter is pregnant!"

"Hey! I don't like the way you two are acting to my girl!" Tommy yelled at them.

"You evil devil! You got our daughter pregnant!"

"It was a fucking accident!"

"Don't use that-"

"QUIET! NOBODY FUCKING MOVE, NOBODY GETS HURT!" I yelled with a gun pointing at my parents. "Now, I'm gonna make this very clear so the both of you better fucking listen cuz I'm gonna say it once, I'm SICK and TIRED of being called a slut by my parents and blaming Tommy for getting me pregnant but, what was I suppose to do huh? While I was never loved or cared about, Tommy was everything I needed besides you two ignoring me through out my life, Tommy, Gabby even Adam and Gabrielle noticed it and what did they try to do? They tried to help me through all this besides my parents supporting me through my life and everything, thanks to you, I have to go to the therapist and get the sick twisted things you two have done to me and it won't go away but I'm gonna make a choice, choice number one, accept me for who I am and for who I date and just be normal parents and get help, choice two, mess with Tommy and me and two bullets will go deep inside your thick, deep, hated skulls. Your choice."

|Phew! Intense! Sorry it's so long haha|

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