Chapter 65

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"Is it bad I'm still mad at the bitch for what she's done?" Gabby said.

"Gabs, she's sorry."

"I know but still!"

"So, you really are pregnant?" Dana said to me.

"Yeah, I'm about 3-4 months pregnant."

"You don't look it."

"Well, I am."

"Hmm, and how old is Tommy?"

"He's 27."


"Yeah, I told her my real age when she told me she was pregnant." Tommy told her.

"Oh well, that's pretty cool. A 16 year old dating a 27 year old, that's a new one."

Ok yes, she is still bitchy, I must admit but, she was better then how she was before.

"So, when did you get out?"

"Last week, I'm pretty impressed with you two though, I never knew you two would've done that, especially since Bekah is a good girl. I would've gotten you two into trouble but, that wouldn't be fun for me." She said smiling, did I say she was bitchy?

"Look, I know you said that you were sorry and wanted to make friends but you could be nicer."

"True but bitchy's my thing."

I rolled my eyes.

"Told you I wouldn't forgive this bitch!" Gabby said.

"Well, if you wanna be friends with us then listen, play nice and don't make me pissed and don't make me mad cuz If I get pissed off and the babies are injured, you are gonna pay, ok?" I told her.

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