Chapter 54 - Season 6pt 1 blocked

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Tori 8months old-∆

      *** Six moths later ***

Lydia POV:

Stilies just called Malia and I to meet him at the police station impound. Madison isn't answering her phone because she is fed up of Stilies treating us a supernaturals detector. Stilies and Scott showed me and car that was shot up by a guy on a horse. Their was a man and his wife and they have a son name Alex, but the parents are missing I sat in the front seat and looked in the mirror, "hmmm" this is a nice shade for me. "Hmmm? Hmmm what the parents are dead?" Stilies said.

"No, this is a nice shade for me" I told him and exit the car, "Lydia focus! are the parents dead?" he asked. "No, if they were I would know" I told him, the we heard a howl we all know it's Malia. She came running up to us in her coyote form, I took up a trench coat. "If they were dead I would have smell them, there's no blood" Malia said transforming back to human. I gave her the coat and she put it on, "why is Madison not answering her phone?" Stilies asked. "She block you" Malia answered, "you call us out of our bed like we're supernaturals detector" I told him.

Soon Malia and I left and went to Madison's apartment, we knock on the door only the heard Tori crying. The door open, "sorry Tori hit her head on the coffee table" Madison said with the baby in her arms crying. "You could have just eaten her" Malia told her, causing us to roll our eyes. "Am not eating her, be nice Malia" Madison said, "sorry, nice isn't me" Malia told her. Tori stop crying and starting running all over the place, "ever since she learn to walk, she's been all over the place" Madison said.

We told Madison why we're out so late, "thank god I block Stilies" she said. "You know you have to unblock him sooner or later?" I asked, "I rather later" she answered. Soon we all looked down on the carpet to see a sleeping Tori. "Finally! She ran her little heart out" Madison said and put her to bed. "When the last time you talked to Ethan?" I asked, "this morning, he faced time Tori" she answered. We decided to just spent the night since its so late, and put our phones on silent, no Stilies.

The next day, we went to school to get an higher education, "hottie at six o' clock" Madison said all of a sudden. Malia and I turn around and saw the new teacher, "Agrent!" We all heard coach yelled. "God why now? It's too early to deal with this man" we heard Madison mumbled. "Why aren't you in your uniform?" Coach asked, "it's in my bag pack" she answered, "go change" he said and handed her a filed. "Am going to change, let's go" she said we followed her to the bathroom where she changed into her cheerleading uniform.

"What's in the file?" Malia asked, "oh because I pass most of my classes, am getting to be a student teacher" she answer. "Weren't you one last semester?" I asked, "yeah, but Kira's dad is gone now, so this file has the teacher's name in it" she answered. "Hey am mad at you!" Stilies yelled at Madison from down the hall.

Madison POV:

Lydia and Malia went off as I rolled my eyes at Stilies, I went to my locker and took out my books. "I called and you didn't answer" Stilies said standing beside me, "I blocked you" I told him. "What if it was an emergency?" He asked, "was it?" I asked. "No, but that's not the point" he said, I rolled my eyes, "bye Stilinski" I told him. I walk away from him yelling "unblock me!" I open the file to see which teacher I'll be assisting, it's Mr. Davis.

Yes! Yes! He's the new sexy teacher, the bell rang about two minutes ago, so I hurry up and found the class. I open the door only to be steering at by everyone including the new teacher. I hand him the note, and he flashed me a smile, I swear my heart blushed. (A/N: I always say my heart blushed when I see I cute guy, lol). "Students this is Madison Argent she my understudy" Mr. Davis introduced me. 'I would love to be under you studying' I thought smirking. I took a seat beside his desk, that's when I notice Mason, Cory, Liam and Hayden in the classroom.

Cory and Hayden are giving Mr. Davis googly eyes, I don't wrong them. But Mason and Liam look pisst about it, class began and Mr. Davis gave me paper work, boring 😌. Then I notice Cory uses his powers to steal Mr. Davis compass, I just ignore them. The bell rang for class to end, I packed my things and left immediately, I have a free session right now. I went to the library to study since nobody does that anymore. I went to the extreme back searching for a book, as I look I saw a carving I made my first year here. M + M = forever ♥ "I miss you Matt" I whispered to myself as tears stream down my face.

I wiped them away and began to read his favorite book unit the bell rang for my class. After school as I walk to my car "Madison!" I heard Stilies yelled behind me. I turn around to see him and Scott coming towards me. "I have been calling your phone all day" Stilies said, I rolled my eyes, "I haven't unblock you" I told him. You could see Scott trying not to laugh, "what? Who blocks Stilies?" Stilies asked. "I do, what do you want now?" I asked, "where going to Alex's house to see why the caps didn't go inside and we want you to come" he answer. "I have to pick Tori up from daycare" I told him, "she can come, it isn't dangerous" Scott said.

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