Chapter 37 - Let the party begin

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Scott POV:

As we waited for Kira and Liam Madison said "this is so going to backfire". "It's not, it's a prefect plan" Stilies told her, "yeah, just remember you are paying me for coming back here" she told him. "Aren't you rich?" Malia asked confused, "yeah, he isn't paying me as in money, this summer he'll be my little slave" she said with a smirk.

I gave her a confused look, "oh I forgot, your all spending summer with me in London, well except Kira she'll be in New York" she told us. "I can't afford that" I told her sadly, "it's free, so don't worry about it, just remember to bring your lacrosse gear" she said. The door open and Liam came in with Kira closing the door behind him saying "sorry".

"What is this?" He asked, "an intervention" Stilies told him, then I told him what we all are. "So banshee?" he pointed to Lydia she shake her head, "weir coyote?" He pointed to Malia, "weir wolf?" He pointed to me. "Fox?" He pointed to Kira, "kitsune, but fox works too" she told him. "And what are you guys?" He asked Stilies and Madison.

"I was possessed by a very evil spirit" Stilies told him, "and what are you now?" Liam asked. "Better" he answered, then Liam looked to Madison, his heart skip a beat. He has a crush on her, "true weir halo" she told him, "what?" He asked. "Am a true hunter, a weir wolf and a halo, and power source for all supernatural" she said glowing her eyes.

He look to the floor before he saw her eyes but then he the saw chains, "are those for me?" He asked. "No, there for me" Malia said making her eyes glow, he flinched back. "How did you do that?" He asked, "I'll teach you" I told him, "know what? I don't care how she did that! am leaving" he said.

He fell to the floor holding his ears, "don't you hear that?" He asked. I listen closely and heard car door closing, "Liam who did you tell about this?" I asked. "Mason" he said, "and who did Mason invite?" Lydia asked.

"Everyone" Kira asked looking outside, Liam began to claw at the floors. "The floors! the floors! get him up" Lydia yelled, Kira and I pulled him up and carry him out of the living room.

Madison POV:

As they left Stilies and Malia began to leave too, "hey what am I supposed to do with the kids outside?" Lydia asked. "Who throws the best party?" Stilies asked, "is that a trick question? She does" I said. "Then throw a party" Stilies said leaving with Malia to chain her up.

Lydia opened the door and let them in, so the party began, I was about to leave when she grab my arm. "You are not leaving me with a bunch of drunken freshmen" she said. Damn it! I was hoping she wouldn't have seen me, "am going to check on Scott and then I have a jet to catch" I told her.

"Fine, I'll miss you again" she said and hugged me, I followed Scott scent to the boat house. But I ran into Liam instead, weir wolf on his first full moon, and ran into a true hunter, not good. He roar at me and attack, I slam him into a tree as Scott came beside me. "He really shouldn't attack someone who's stronger than him" I said.

"Liam, you and I are brothers now" Scott said, oh god! Did he just? "The bite is a gift" he continued. Yep, he is quoting Derek Hale, he is quoting Derek Hale's words. "Seriously Scott, stop it! why are you quoting him? it's bad enough I'm only here for the day, and I won't see him".

Liam attack us again and got away so we ran after him to stop him, we found him again but he attack Scott. Out of nowhere an arrow exploded causing us to go blind for a short time. Liam ran off again, "how?" I heard Scott asked, I look up and saw my dad.

Shit! Am dead! Am not suppose to be in Becan Hills, "I got your tex-..your supposed to be in London!" he yelled at me. "You know that's actually a funny story" I said laughing nervously. He folded his arms and gave me a 'go home' look, while Scott went after Liam.

Dad brought me to the airport and ensured that I got on the plane back to London. Am so going to kill Stilies for getting me in trouble, oh did I mention that dad also call my grandparents. So now am grounded for two weeks and they took away my passport.
Scott POV:

After the party we found out that a guy name Demaro was kill, he delivered the beers to the party. He was on the deadpool list and he was a weir wolf, so who ever order the beer killed him.

             *** The Next Day ***

Stilies POV:

I sat in econ class look at the pictures of the dead supernatural that was killed by the deadpool. "Stilinski!" Coach yelled, "yeah?" I answered, "what are you doing? Don't answer that, if I had to grade you on how profoundly disturbing you are you would be a straight A student" he said.

"Thanks coach" I said, the cap off the lacrosse stick came off that he is holding. I grab it and look back at the pictures, "Stilinski what are you doing? give me that!" He yelled and pulled the lacrosse stick out of my hand.

The killer is on the lacrosse team, after class Liam, Scott and I went into the locker room searching for the weapon. The weapon is a lacrosse stick, "shouldn't we get the game canceled, most players have their own gears" Liam said.

Coach would never cancel a game, "we need to find out who kill Demarco" Scott said. "Who's Demarco?" Liam asked, "the guy that head got cut off, he brought the beers to the party" I told him. "I don't know who order the beers but I know who paid for it" Liam said. Garrett.

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