Chapter 25 - William Barrow pt2

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Scott POV:

"Son of a bitch!" We heard coach yelled from his office, we all laugh as he entered the classroom. "Mischief night, devils night I don't care what you call it I hate it!" He yelled at us. "Every Halloween you punks egg my house, a mans home is supposed to be his castle!" He yelled. Then he broke Greensburg present thinking it's another prank.
Scott POV:

"I don't need a boyfriend, I just need a friend, the only persons who are nice to me are Scott and Madison and I think their a couple", I heard Kira say to her dad. "Scott!" I heard Stilies yelled I moved away from the classroom so Kira and her dad won't hear us. "The cops are leaving!" He said, "cops? What's going on?" I asked, "they can't leave he is here, I know he is", Lydia said. "Will someone tell me what the hell is going on?" I yelled at them, "William Barrow is in the school, the cops couldn't find him so now they are leaving", said Stilies.

"The guy that blown up a school bus?" I asked, "yeah, cause he say they had glowing eyes", Stilies said. Lydia and Stilies ran off to tell his dad not to leave cause William Barrow is still in the school. "Hey Scott have you seen Lydia or Ali?" Madison asked, "Lydia is with Stilies, I think Alison is with Issac", I told her. "Madison, Scott how would you two like to join my family and I for dinner tonight?" Kira's dad asked us.

"I'll have to asked my dad first but Scott and I would love to", Madison said. He walked off leaving us, "Kira think we're a couple", I told her. "Ewww, your cute Scott but not Ethan cute", she said blushing, I rolled my eyes and told her what's been happening. Lydia and Stilies came back saying we have to find him our self, (school is on lock down) we all turn to look at Madison.

"Why y'all looking at me like that?" She asked confused, "true hunter got to hunt", Stilies told her smirking, she rolled her eyes. "Unless you want every single supernatural in here die, I don't think so. Plus he isn't supernatural, we need something to track him by" she said, so I called my mom. She sneak into the school and gave me William Barrow hospital gown. I brought it to Issac, Ethan, Aiden and Madison for us to get a scent and find him.

Issac and I went to one section of the boiler room and Madison, Aiden and Ethan went the other section. "Why couldn't we take Madison?" Issac asked, "I don't trust the twin alone, and I trust Madison", I told him. A few minutes later we heard the fire alarm, we ran outside to find Lydia and Stilies.
Madison POV:

Not a single scent, but Lydia is convinced he is in the school, I don't know if I believe her or not. I called my dad to inform him am having dinner with Kira and her family tonight.

M- hey dad

D- Madison?

M- am having dinner with Kira and her family tonight

D- who's Kira?

M- new girl, and am her only friend, can I go pleassse?

D- what do I get in returned?

M- I'll Clean all your weapons this weekend

D- enjoy dinner, and your not grounded anymore, you can thank Stilies for that

M-  I will, thanks dad, love you

D- yeah love you too

I grab Scott by his ears, "come on baby alpha, we have a dinner date", I told him. Ethan gave me a weird look, "am not your girlfriend" I told him and pull Scott away. He got on his bike and I got on mine, and rode off to Kira's house.

"I hope you two like sushi", Kira's dad said, "I never had sushi before", Scott and I said, Kira's dad name all of the different types of sushi we will be eating. "You too make a lovely couple", Kira's mom said to Scott and I. Scott and I looked at each other "ewww, no just ewww", we laugh, "we are just friends, Scott dated my identical twin", I told them.

We talked for a while until Scott began to choke on something he wasn't supposed to eat. Kira helped him while I just laugh, what? I couldn't help it, it was funny asf. We went to Kira's bedroom while she ordered pizza for us, Scott made a phone call to his mom while I looked at Kira's baby pictures.
Scott POV:

"Pizza!" I said when Kira came into her bedroom, as we ate Madison ask "why did you think Scott and I are a couple Kira?" Kora blushed. "You two are always together, so I thought you two were", she said. "Am hardly around Scott, I think you have seen my sister", Madison told her, we ate our pizza and talked.

After a few hours later we decided to go home, Ethan was blowing up Madison's phone with texts and calls and she isn't answering him. I know cause she gave me her phone to keep, Kira walked us outside but then I saw William Barrow then everything went black.

"Scott? Scott?" I heard Stilies called out, I got up and realized that Lydia is with him, no Madison. "Barrow took Kira and Madison!" I told them, "he was after Kira all along, Madison must have just been a bonus", Stilies said. I called Issac to see of he knows anything, but he doesn't, "what do you hear Lydia?" Stilies asked.

"Nothing, I just know its on the tip of my tongue and I just feel like I want to scream", she said. "Scream, Lydia scream", Stilies told her, she let out a banshee scream making us cover our ears. She stop on look up at the street light, then look at us. "It isn't flies it's electricity", she said, "Barrow work at an electrical power plant before", Stilies said. "What power plant?" Off to the power plant we went.

Kira POV:

This crazy man held Madison and I captive, we are tied up to a fence, Madison is still unconscious. I cried for him to let us go, then he inject us with something, I saw Madison's vein turn black then back to normal.

"Everyone thinks am crazy but am going to show them am not am going to show them you", he said taking pictures of me. "Let's us go!" I heard Madison yelled from beside of me, she tired to break free from the wires that held us against the fence. He took pictures of her too with my phone, "what did you do to me? Why do I feel weak?" Madison asked, "a black dust" he said, black dust? (Mountain ash).

"Let them go Barrow, they aren't who you want!" I heard Scott yelled. "Scott run!" I yelled at him but he didn't listen. Barrow electrocuted him, but not enough to hurt him, then he walked up to me with the power line in his hand. "Stop! Leave her! Am the one you want!" Madison yelled at him, she faced him so I can't see her face. (She made her eyes glowed for Barrow) he smirked at her and electrocuted her.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh!!" She screamed until there was no more screams, I cried for him to stop but he didn't. "Your next, since this one work perfectly", he said "leave her alone!" Scott yelled but he couldn't do anything. He put the power line on me, he flew away from me, he got his self electrocuted. I realized that am not tied down anymore I stood up and realized that am absorbing all of the electricity, I stood there in shock.

 I realized that am not tied down anymore I stood up and realized that am absorbing all of the electricity, I stood there in shock

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