Chapter 2 - who is Derek Hale?

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Scott POV:

"Go Scott" I heard Alison whisper from the stands, "dude is it just me or is there two Alison in the stands?" I heard Stilies asked behind me. "No, that's her twin Madison beside her", I told him, "it's going to be hard to tell them apart" he said. I said "no it isn't, they smell totally different", "not everyone has your weir wolf sense of smell" he said rolling his eyes.

"Stop chit chat like a bunch a girls McCall! Stilinski!" Coach yelled, "Ali, I have maths now, I'll see you later", I heard Madison tell Alison

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"Stop chit chat like a bunch a girls McCall! Stilinski!" Coach yelled, "Ali, I have maths now, I'll see you later", I heard Madison tell Alison. Then she came off the stands, and looked at Matt as he put on back his shirt, she bit her lip and walked but into school.

 Then she came off the stands, and looked at Matt as he put on back his shirt, she bit her lip and walked but into school

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"Think I have a chance?" Stilies asked, he has been talking for a few minutes now and I haven't heard on thing he said. "Chance with what?" I asked, "Madison?!" He yelled at me. "Unless you wear the number 8 jersey then I don't thing so", I told him. He look at Matt who was now picking up his lacrosse stick to start practice, he grumbled. Then practice began.

Stilies POV:

Before practice ended I went to my locker for my towel, but before I got there I saw Derek. "What the hell are you doing here?" I asked, "where is Scott?" He asked ignoring my question. Suddenly he fell, I grab him helping him so he wouldn't fall to the ground. "Hey Stilies wh............ Is he OK?" I heard Alison asked, "Alison go find Scott" I told her.

She gave me weird look then ask "who's Scott?" She asked, shit! "Madison?!" I asked. She rolled eyes, then said "whatever, he needs help". I began to struggle with Derek, she said "I can help you with him to your car, he looks like he is gonna throw up". I refused and she went off to class, I rushed Derek to the clinic, but not before he threaten me.

 I refused and she went off to class, I rushed Derek to the clinic, but not before he threaten me

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Madison POV:

That guy really looked sick, but I got him out of my mind, school was OK. Then I went home, but unfortunately Ali's boyfriend is coming over for dinner. I stayed in my room doing home work to avoid the awkward dinner, that would take place. All of a sudden my room door opened, "who are you?" I asked the brown hair guy. "Am Scott, I was ju-just looking for the um, bathroom" he stuttered, "two doors down from here" I told him, then he left.

A few minutes later I heard Auntie Kate's voice, so I went downstairs to see what's going on. "Just empty your pockets Scott" she told Scott, why? What did I missed? "He never went into your things I did, I was looking for these", said Ali as she held up a pack of condoms. "Holy fuck! And here I thought your the only virgin in the house" I exclaimed, "You aren't a virgin!" Yelled my dad.

 "Holy fuck! And here I thought your the only virgin in the house" I exclaimed, "You aren't a virgin!" Yelled my dad

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Shit! totally forgot he is in the room too, I am a virgin, I was just teasing Ali, I just forgot my parents in the room

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Shit! totally forgot he is in the room too, I am a virgin, I was just teasing Ali, I just forgot my parents in the room. "Oh! Look at the time, bye!" I said and ran to my room, soon I heard Scott leave and Ali entered my room. "So how was it?" She asked as she sat on my bed, "Ali, I was just messing with you down there, am 100%  virgin", I told her.

"Oh, dad will be happy to hear that", she said, we both giggled, then she said "look its a full moon" as we both looked out my bedroom window. I looked up at the moon and began to make weir wolf sounds, Ali and I laugh. Then auntie Kate came in and said she want to speck to me alone. We said goodnight and she went to bed, "liar liar virgin on fire", she sang once Ali was out of my room.

We giggled, then she ask "feel the urge to hunt yet?" I said "yeah, I just want to cut open a weir wolf throat, it's hard controlling myself with the full moon and everything". She smirked and said "let's go look for my friend Derek Hale, he can lead us to the alpha or the other betas". "Who is Derek Hale?" I asked confused, she said "a wolf I use to date". What?! "I didn't know he was one, it's time the 'True Hunter' gave him a visit" she says, I heard her heart skit a beat meaning she lied to me but I didn't question it.

 What?! "I didn't know he was one, it's time the 'True Hunter' gave him a visit" she says, I heard her heart skit a beat meaning she lied to me but I didn't question it

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My eyes glowed immediately and got ready for the hunt. My eyes glowed red, yes red am not a weir wolf am a true hunter. Every full moon, just like weir wolf they lose control, I lose control too but I have the urge to kill all supernatural being. My grand- father and Auntie Kate has been teaching me that control is over rated, Auntie Kate let me loose all the times.

My sense are enhanced, super strength (no fangs, no claws or facial hair thank god) so is my tracking skills and my fighting skills. We went out into the woods in search of Derek and the alpha, I can literally smell the werewolves. We came up to an abandoned burnt down house, but it's empty. "Derek come out, come out where ever you are, I know your here", my Auntie Kate sang out loud as we walked around the house. I heard movement, "he's here", I told her, then he was right in front of us.

"Leave now!" He yelled, "I don't think so Derek, I want to know who is the alpha", she told him. He stepped forward and that's when I saw his face, that's when I remembered I saw him before. He was at my school, Stilies was supporting him cause he looked sick. Holy fuck! He is the one that attacked us the night we arrived in Becan Hills. How the hell did he heal from that shot? Is Stilies a werewolf? Does Ali know?

I was so deep in thought that I didn't even realized that Auntie Kate shock him will one of our lightsaber. "Go home, you have school tomorrow, I'll be home by morning", she told me. I walked home cause I needed a clear head, when I got home I went straight to bed.

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