Cookies, Pizza & Grins

Start from the beginning

"Are you sure that your dad will be cool with me coming over unexpectedly?" Lauren suddenly pipes up, worry controlling her features.

I laugh softly, nodding. "He loves you. When you weren't coming over, I think he missed you more than I did—and that's a lot." I assure her, smiling tenderly.

"Good to know." Lauren chuckles, casting me a shy smile. This action causes my stomach to flip and my heart to flutter.

Our strolls turns silent. No one talks and no one dares try to make talk. The air becomes thick with tension.

"So..." I drawl, earning Lauren's previously distracted attention. "Did you hear about Ally?"

"And Troy?" Lauren follows up. I nod in confirmation and Lauren face brightens. "Hell yes, I did. Dinah told me. I'm so happy for them; they're so cute."

I find myself smiling at Lauren's enthusiasm for our friend and her new boyfriend. "God, they make me feel so single. I see them around in the hallway and it makes me want to throw up—in a good way."

Lauren laughs gingerly at my comment. "Aww, Camz. I don't know why you're single. You're so sweet, beautiful, kind, brave, and honest..." Lauren's sentence trails off wistfully. She then coughs abruptly, blinking rapidly.

"If you think I'm all those things, why don't you just date me?" I joke, laughing to myself. My laughter dies once I see Lauren's face go cold. Her features become rock and her smile disappears as if it was never there. "Am I really that bad?"

"No, no. Of course not. It's just... it's stupid." Lauren dips her head, her cheeks red. "I don't really want to talk about it."

"Oh." I breathe, nodding respectively. "That's fine. We don't have to talk about it. It's okay."

"Thank you." Lauren smiles weakly, the sunlight catches her eyes and they gleam under her dark brown hair.

"You're welcome." I hum softly, tilting my head back and forth rhythmically. We reach my house, stepping up the first step and pulling through the unlocked door into the warm house.

"Hello, my Mila!" Alejandro calls out cheerfully when he hears the door close behind us. "I'm super glad you're home. Just what I've been needing. A bit of happiness from my daughter."

He comes walking into the hallway, his face looking extremely tired. It takes me by surprise and I wasn't expecting the blunt sorrow lingering in his features. His eyes then land on Lauren who is currently not paying attention while she places her backpack near mine on the floor.

"Lo..." I try to get her attention for my father but now she is slipping her shoes off. She does hum in acknowledgment and when she is done, she looks up at me with a blank expression.

"Yeah?" Lauren asks, totally not acknowledging that my father is in the room. I smile sheepishly and point to my dad. Her eyes shift and a humorous smile appears on her lips. "Oh. Hi."

"Nice to see you again." Alejandro dips his heads, smiling. "Make yourself at home." He pauses, gesturing around. "Make it your home, if you'd like. Stay as long as you'd like. You make my Mila happy and, therefore, that makes me happy."

"Well, alright." Lauren giggles, casting a shy smile over to me. I feel all the heat in my body turn into embarrassment and blotch along my cheeks.

"Thanks, Dad. Love you, too. Please, order pizza and we are going upstairs before you can embarrass me anymore!" I say very quickly, grabbing Lauren's wrist and running upstairs with her.

"Whatever you say, mija!" He calls up to me before we can get into my room. Lauren shuts the door as we enter. I cast her a confused glance and she shrugs sheepishly.

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