Whats your name? - Chapter 7

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A/N: This Chapter takes part in chapter 6 at the exact same time; just after the message is sent to the group. Also I think you'll hate it... Enjoy?

Jin frantically took a single step back as the red-blood hair boy suddenly appeared in front of him and said those supposed to be soothing words, he also managed to sneak his phone between his buttoned up shirt. 'Bear with it' Bear with what exactly? Who are they? Is the purpose of damaging an idol group's workspace revenge? and revenge on who? Will they kill him? Maybe use him against big hit? Would big hit care... Would they use him for their own sick pleasures first before disposing him? questions and more questions filled Jin's head, his not thinking straight when the red-blood hair boy suddenly used his hand that occupied the grip of the bat and let it his arm dangle with the bat in hand. Jin's exact thoughts were.

'his gonna kill me'

Jin let out a painful groan as he barley kneeled on one leg slowly while using his hands to soothe the sudden pain on his side stomach, the red-blood hair boy had just hit him. "Sorry." The boy said heartlessly.


"It's not that I want to do this."


"But you remind me of someone."


"Someone I really hate."


"So I'm giving you a remodelling-


-To your whole body."


The strikes of the bat came down on him repeatedly making him tremble and whimper, he felt every single hit abuse his body, his palm slipped when the boy hit him on the back, making him fall forwards, which also made me lie flat on his phone, silencing the up-coming text from his band mates. How psychotic is it for a teen to start a conversation while beating up a man...

"So... *Hit* What's your name?" He didn't stop with the wicked hits and he got no response just a breathless small whimper. "Hey, I asked you a question" He stopped, allowing Jin to barley lift his head and take in some breaths, he coughed up blood, a few drops of it splattered itself on the wooden floor, as some of that blood remained leaking on the side of his lip, he slowly lowered his head to meet his own blood and instantly wanted to puke..."Shit, that's disgusting." Another voice from the left side of the room could be heard, he cackled after, "Shit Haneul, Didn't think you'd be fucking up someone this bad! Shit you'll commit a crime soon enough and you know I won't help you cover up this mans body." The guy cackled after, his foot-steps urging closer towards Jin, "Here" the supposed now named boy Haneul said. He stepped over Jin's body just right in front of his face, crouching down and daring to put his hand within Jin's hair, gliding his palm across Jin's hair before curling that hand into a fist.

He forcefully yanked Jin's hair up, so that their eyes came in view. "Wow. Look's like nothing ever happened to you from this point of view" he stared at the vulnerable face, Jin's one excuse to still be within BTS, He turned Jin's head slightly. "Stop... It" Jin managed to force out, "What was that?" Haneul sounded pissed off, he again faced Jin towards him. "Say that again." "Stop it-" Haneul punched Jin across the face, the hand that held Jin's hair up also let go, making Jin's face turn sideways as it dropped, the impact of his own blood smeared within his cheeks. His hair was yanked up once again, "That's gotta hurt..." The boy now holding the bat stepped back a bit, Jin dared a glance to the boy, a platinum blond-hair guy.

"Jae-kyung." Haneul said. "Wanna help remodel his face?" Jae-kyung the platinum blond hair boy replied hesitantly. "Nah. Shit man, Didn't know you were into this sort of beating crap" "I'm not." He punched Jin across the face again on the other cheek, releasing his hair as his face came in contact wooden floor. "I just said he reminded me of someone." He yanked Jin's hair up once again, taking in the bruised cheeked face before repeating the same movement quickly. "Someone I really hate." By now the intoxicating fumes of the can sprays, we're now reaching Jin, he wanted to puke. "Just a few more bloody hits, and he'll no longer be recognisable." "Just a few more punches and he'll no longer remember his name." Jae-kyung murmured enough for Jin to hear.

"Hey, let me ask you again." He gripped Jin's hair and held him firmly in place, Jin could barely feel his body, but he now knew the definition on physical pain. "What's your name?" Hanuel waited for a response, Jin felt like his own hair was ripping off of him. "J-Jin..." He doesn't know why he gave in, Hanuel was the so called devil himself, and Jin, was a fallen angel. "Well Jin." He punched him again, "wanna see what you look now?" Jin just laid restless and hurt on the floor, "Oi, help me." Jin flinched at the touch of four hands on his shoulders, lifting him up, and settling him beside the wall, that's when his phone slipped through his shirt, Jin's eyes widen.

"What the... Have you been texting this whole time you've been tortured?" Haneul let out a laugh as he grabbed the phone, "Hah, you don't even have a passcode? What are you? Stuck in the 19's still? It's the fucking 21st century Jin! People pay for security, why don't you just hold up a sign saying 'Hack me'-" Haneul stayed quiet as he furrowed his eyebrows. "What's this? Your little own gang?" His eyes still in locked with the screen, he murmured some words before lightly chuckling "Hah- Jin, there so worried about you, maybe I should text them? You know, let them know your fine." Jin tried to shake his head, but judging by Haneul's  devilish smirk he knew he wouldn't get what he wanted, he never did anyway. Jin tilted his head down, slowly close his eyes as the bruises on his now wrecked face started growing and tears trickled down. "PrincessMe? What the fuck, are you gay? Shit I touched a faggot!" He laughed out, Jin heard multiple steps coming towards him. The four other boys circled around Haneul, starring at the device he held in his hands "What the fuck is his user?" "Fucking fag." "Maybe his a slut for them?" "That's fucking wrong, who'd wanna touch an old fag?!" "Check his photo's!" Multiple voices were heard, but Jin was waiting for one. Hanuel didn't speak.

Hanuel took a glimpse at Jin "Hey," silence. "look up." Jin didn't move, he almost looked lifeless. Haneul shoved the phone to one of the boys and took a step close to Jin, he did something Jin didn't expect, he tilted his face up and carefully removed his bangs that stuck to Jin's forehead, while that was happening Jin was just listening to the voices. "He has a lot of photos of himself." "Self-centred?" "Here's a few with some other guys." "His defiantly a slut for them" "gay fuck, makes me sick" "Oi pass me the phone." Hanuel said. They all stayed quiet as the phone was now in Hanuels hand, he looked at the photo currently, it was one of Jin with them all looking so happy posing for the camera. "Too bad, you looked good in this one, time to show them how you look now, Say cheese." Hanuel said as he took a picture.

He stayed quiet as the guys observed him, he widen his eyes when he heard a guy quickly say "Send it to that guy!" "Oi type a message aswell! His a self centred fag so use ' I '" Jin cried loudly and it caught the immediate attention of them all. "Shit, shut him up." "Hanuel you do it, you already beaten him half dead." "Alright, wusses." He grabbed the bat off of Jae-kyun. He took a swing to Jin's skull. The four men ran quickly to pack up the cans and Hanuel stayed to watch Jin, his voice became an echo in Jin's head.

"Hey, What's your name?"

I don't know.

PrincessMe has attached one photo.
"I look pretty like this"
'Swipe to see'

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