Hold me - chapter 4

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A/N - (A-lot of a swearing and angst within the boys) enjoy x3

The little girl could only ask that one question before she was hurriedly pulled away by a woman, presumably the mother. The mother seemed hesitant as she held her little girl tightly  in her arms and gave a shocked look at Jin before quickly pulling along the child into the crowd of people.

Jin only watched as that little girl disappeared, he felt somehow... More upset, because one person had asked if he was okay, just himself and no one else, even if that one person just happened to be a stranger and that stranger just happened to be a kid, he was still grateful for that strangers care. When the child and mother were out of sight, Jin let let his answer roll out of his mouth "No." He wasn't okay, he was deeply hurt and no one had witnessed his answer.

With a heavily sigh, he observed the walk way filled with unknown faces, no longer could he remember what direction he came from, he was lost in what seemed like the worst scenarios an idol could end up in. Lost, clueless, and alone.

He continued with his walk down the sidewalk, until he came to the crossing of a road, on the other side he spotted a park, and what could be better than to walk in park on a miserable day? Absolutely nothing for Jin.

He continued his walk to his new destination, although he was tempted to slump and slow down in his walk when he crossed the road again, he feared that if he did, he might not even reach the park at all or see the next day for that matter.

He almost tripped over himself as he entered the park, the fully dark green of the grass was being stomped on by some children playing tag while the parents were sat down at a bench sometimes talking and laughing and observing. There seemed to be a few families on the field rather then on the actual park equipment.

Since Jin couldn't lounge around on a seat anywhere, he proceeded to walk to the unoccupied play area, that was specifically designed for kids, and decided to sit on the swing for a while. He knows why his drawn to the swing rather than the the other 'fun' equipment provided, he didn't go specifically to the swing because it would've be weird seeing an old man on a slide. He simply went because ever since he was young, his loved nothing more than to pretend that he was flying in the sky when he was swung up high enough to almost reach for it while he closed his eyes.

His wanted nothing more than that feeling again, he settled down in one of the swings and tilted his head up to meet the skies, a nice dark orange-red was displayed in the sky, this could only mean the sun was settling and it was close to night. He started with a strong push off of the ground with his shoes, that lead him to swing back before swinging forward, he tucked and untucked his legs to be in sync with the swing.

A faint creek could be heard as he kept putting much force into his attempt to reach even higher into the sky, occasionally he would push off of the ground if he had a chance too. Within the three minutes of keeping a forceful push, when he could no longer see anything but the sky as he swung up high, he closed his eyes.

He smiled as he felt the air dance on his skin when he came back down, but he couldn't see it. These were one of Jin's habits, when he is upset, he tends to find himself lost, no one knew where he was except for himself and the sky.

And this only upset the boys more...

10:24 - The dorms
"What do you mean his not in your guy's room?!" Taehyung almost shouted as if he had taken Yoongi's word as bull crap. "I mean his not in our fucking room! What else do you think I mean?" Taehyung only glared in response, "his not answering his phone..." Jimin whispered heartbrokenly last the word as he was seated on the couch next to Namjoon while clutching his phone with his hands tightly. "I call bullshit Hyung! Let me see!" Taehyung called out and proceeded to stomp into Yoongi's territory, but stopped when Yoongi gave him a deadly death glare. "Don't fucking enter our room you alien!" Taehyung didn't flinch at all, usually he would, but the worrying of Jin over took him more.

Jungguk and Hoseok were the ones taking it more harsh, since the two both back talked the elder, and couldn't help but sulk on the inside when they heard Taehyung's angered voice. They remained quiet as Taehyung rambled on to Namjoon and Jimin that Yoongi was supposedly 'keeping Jin hostage' in their room.

"If he isn't keeping Jin hostage in their room then why won't he let me enter!" "Because who would want an alien in their room!" Yoongi said as he went to sit next to Hoseok, "A lot of the A.R.M.Y!" He shouted back, he furrowed his brows still wanting an explanation from both Jimin and Namjoon since he didn't intend to hear a response from Yoongi at all. "Taehyung." He turned to meet Hoseok's eyes but tired face, "Shut up." Never had Hoseok been the one to shut up another, let alone his members.

But this made Taehyung more furious as he glared into Hoseok's sadden expression, "No! why should I shut up?! When your the one that yelled at him and called him those... those Unnecessary words! You need to shut up Hyung!" Hoseok only scoffed as a smirk appeared, "oh yeah, and which Hyung did you comfort?" This made Taehyung stare in disbelief, "Because I distinctly remember you saying that I was right and it wasn't my fault." As he leaned back in the couch he was sitting on, the smirk didn't leave his mouth until Taehyung rolled his eyes.

"Whatever" Taehyung mumbled as he walked hand in pockets to the open seat on the other side of Jimin. He plotted himself down, before whipping out his phone and looking on any social media, for any updates that could indicate where Jin was. He got nothing. Jungguk seemed to sadden more when he looked up to see all his hyung's depressed expression, he knows they're upset as well as he was upset with himself.

If only they all had that chance to say sorry and embrace Jin in a secure and tight hug.

They would've never let him go.

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