Useless - Chapter 2

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It was predicted within the seven men that Jin would miss yet another step to the choreography for Fire. Hadn't he been practicing all those sleepless days in the practice room? By now he was confident in knowing the moves off by heart. But of course, when it was time to practice, he missed another step.

For what felt like the tenth-million for Hoseok, that was an exaggeration, it was only the 5th time Jin had mucked up. He glared every chance he got when he saw Jin almost helpless on the floor, but within a swift move, Jin would still manage to stand up and apologise to them all.

14 mistakes later.
During a certain part when they were only thirty-eight seconds into the move, Jin cris-crossed his leg to the right beat but to the wrong movement after, he tumbled forward and landed chest flat against the floor. He didn't dare to move as this was the 15th time he had fallen.

The boy's had already grown irritated and tired after the 8th incident, they all stared at him in despair and no one bothered to help him. But one person took the repeated situation to the most unnecessary matter.

Hoseok had quite the same reaction as the maknae, nothing but rage and disappointment, he stepped out of the line of eyes that looked at their most eldest as he had gotten up again. And with one extreme force, he pushed Jin back down.

All the members watched the scene in front of them, the tension between them all was replaced with fear as their hope whipped out hurtful but truthful meanings.

"How is it possible for you to fall on the fucking floor for millionth time?!" He took a step closer as Jin propped himself on his elbows and stared into the eyes of the angered man. "We've been over these moves for a decent amount of time! Yet you make it look like we've been sitting on our asses all day and haven't been burning our carbs into this dance!" He lifted his index finger to Jin "How is it that you? You out of all of us still remain useless!" As he aggressively pointed the index finger down to signify how he falls countless of times before bringing it back up again to point at Jin. "A useless elderly is what Bighit allowed into my practice room! And I will not tolerate with this poor shit you call 'dancing'!" As he took yet another step closer to him. "All you can actually do right is cook! May aswell be a fucking chief while your at it!" He snapped.

But no, it didn't stop there. "Maybe the reason for all your mistakes were that you were one to begin with! Maybe the reason your attached to the floor is because your lower than wooden material! Fucking dirt!" He spitted out those harsh words. "Never have I met someone so fucking stupid in my entire life!" Jin was close to tears, but he didn't dare to cry in front of his members.

To Jin, crying was showing just how weak and fragile you could be in some situations, this situation however, was used in words. There was no physical contact, just words. Words that were cruel and dull and used from the mouth of someone he'd seen as an idol to himself. "Is that how you want the A.R.M.Y to see you? Someone who just tends to fuck up every big chance he gets?! When we hit that stage is that what you want to do?! Because mark my words Kim seokjin! I will not let you screw us over for your one- no, Multiple mistakes!"

He felt more aggravated when he felt a hand trying to pull him back, "chill Hyung, It's just a mistake-" he pulled away from Jimin's touch as he walked even close to Jin "That's the problem! It isn't a mistake! He practically is the mistake!"

finally he shut his mouth as Yoongi stepped forward "Hey." He spoke in an almost irritated voice as he looked upon Hoseok who didn't dare to meet the same eyes. "Calm down alright?" As he took steps to Hoseok. He turned his head sideways "C'mon" he signalled his band mates. Everyone was hesitant at first but quickly comforted the maddening man while Jin started to ease up and sit up.

One by one they clinged to Hoseok and lead him out, Yoongi being the last person to leave looked back at the the man who stared at the ground like he was transfixed on it "Hey." He called out, Jin almost flinched at the name, he worryingly looked up at Yoongi and fought to hold back the tears. "He didn't mean it. His just tired." As he tried to find more words to comfort his Hyung but he sadly got nothing "sorry." He said lastly as he looked at the door left open.

With no response in return he knew it was a signal to leave, he walked out to comfort Hoseok. Leaving Jin all alone in a place he remembered so well.  Where he bawled his eyes out two weeks ago, the very same state when he was cleaning the satanic pentagram off of the the floor.

It first started with the forming of tears that welled up in his eyes before trailing they're ways down his cheeks. Then the memories of cruel words sped into his brain like a spiral of worldwide winds gushing to meet their aim, that aim that was to deeply cut Jin forever.

It remained as a scar slashed on Jin's heart forever. He found himself crying, the only difference was, there was no pool of infinite shattered glass spread among the floor, as he looked around, he met himself in the mirrors.

Just a 24 year old man.

Silently sobbing on the floor.

While the mirrors copied his moves.

And comments taunted his actions

he was dying on the inside.


He would never show it on the outside.

Kim seokjin truly felt useless.

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