Moon and Toffee Go Trick or Treating

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((Halloween specia))

They were meeting up under the tree by mewni, Moon was dressed up as a snow queen and Toffee was a rabbit. Once they met up Moon laughed at how ridiculous Toffee looked in his bunny costume. "What what's wrong with my costume snow queen?" Toffee asked smiling. "Oh you know it's just looks funny on you that's let's go I don't wanna miss this fascinating earth holiday" Moon said opening a portal to earth. They jumped in and suddenly Moon was amazed at how many people were out at night.

They started walking around a few houses saying trick or treat and thank you every time they got candy. "Look Toffe I got allot of candy!" Moon excitedly said showing him her bag. Toffee smiled, "Good!" He loved it when he was happy or excited. They then stumbled across a party that people were hosting and it was wild. "Toffee why is there a toilet in there front lawn?" Moon asked looking at Toffee. "Because they're idiots and we shouldn't go near them" Toffee said leading Moon away but it was too late she already ran inside.

".....Moon...." Toffee sighed rolling his eyes as he went in to find her. Moon was by the punch table stuffing her mouth with food and drinking allot of punch. Toffee was about to walk to her until someone went in front of him and said, "hey dude you're not on the list". "Yes I know nether is my friend so if I could just find her I'll get out of here right away" Toffee said to the guy. "No way you gotta leave now" the guy said, "please I'll just be a second" Toffee insisted getting a bit annoyed. "Nope sorry man out" the guy said then Toffee agree back and it went on until Toffee couldn't take it anymore so he punch the guy then quickly ran upstairs to find Moon.

Toffee opened a bathroom without think and found Moon using the bathroom. "Moon I found you!" Toffee said with relief, "" He added back with concern. Moon was throwing up, "ugh I ate too much" she said throwing up. Toffee sat next to her and pulled her hair back in comfort, "it's okay I'm here now". Soon Moon fell asleep and Toffee took her back to his house. The next day she woke up fine, she found Toffee looking at his candy he got from last night on scattered on the floor. "What are you doing?" Moon asked, "just looking at the candy I like and don't like but are you okay?" He asked looking up at her worried.

"Yes I'm fine wanna trade some I might have some I wouldn't like ether" Moon smiling sitting next to him dumping her candy out on the floor. So that's what they did for the rest of the time they had together before Moon went home.

((Hope you guys like it comment vote follow and request for more))

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