Lauren didn't reply as she gave the boy a baby crossover testing if he would bite on it. The boy stumbled a little bit, but still managed to stay with lauren.

"Oooh, so you think you can guard me." Lauren said in a cocky tone liking the vibe his defender was giving him.

Dinah laughed. "Lauren! Stop talking just score we don't have all day." She shouted towards her friend. Lauren could be a real asshole when she was playing street basketball she tended to talk a lot of trash.

Lauren's defender looked over to dinah for only a second and that's when lauren made her move.

She quickly faked left and then went right. Her defender managed to follow a few seconds later, but lauren moved the ball behind her back quickly changing her direction to go left. The defender struggled a bit to keep up as lauren hit him with the quick series of moves, but still managed to stay in front of the girl.

Lauren then backed up a bit surprised that the defender kept up with her. This was obviously a decent player. She'd have to show her something good. Without saying a word lauren began to drive to the basket with the boy pressed closely up on her. Lauren wasn't one to give up easily as she spun around the defender in one motion finishing the shot with a beautiful finger roll.

"Great move!" Camila screamed surprising austin as he had been in the middle of a sentence.

Camila blushed as she realized what she had done. She was suppose to be spending time with austin, but now she had just let it be known that she had been watching the game more than she had been listening to him.

Austin frowned as he realized where his girlfriend's attention had been. "Camila...Didn't you say you wanted to talk, why are you paying attention to that game."

"I'm sorry...I was just curious about if that player I had told you about would be able to play." Camila replied not exactly lying.

Austin sighed as he began talking again deciding to ignore camila's outburst.

"Better double team me. I promise I'm just getting warmed up!" Lauren cockily stated as she began to run back on defense giving dinah and the rest of her team a high five as they ran past each other.

"Luck." Lauren's defender countered as he dribbled the ball up court.

The guy soon decided to pass it to the man that dinah was guarding. "Come on dinah, think you can guard me?"

"Come on!" Dinah replied not falling for the taunt.

The boy smirked has he began to dribble around the court trying to make the best play. He frowned as he realized dinah was playing great defense there wasn't much to do. He would have to pass. He looked towards a teammate and threw the ball towards him.

"Thank You!" Lauren shouted as she intercepted the ball in the passing lane and began the fast break.

"Behind you!" Dinah shouted following lauren as she had also known lauren was about to steal the ball the second the guy looked at his teammate.

Lauren understood what dinah wanted her to do as they got closer to the rim. Without any words being said lauren threw the ball in the air making it bounce against the backboard and then towards dinah.

Dinah smirked as she jumped and grabbed the ball and slammed it into the basket making sure to use as much strength as she could. She did a small pull up on the rim before allowing herself to drop.

"Let's go!" Lauren screamed with a toothy grin as she and dinah high five, hype about their last play.

Camila jumped out of her seat as she saw the play. That was something that she had only seen pros do in all star games. Dinah and Lauren were definitely used to playing with each other since they had did it so easily.

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