"Okay but nazz has invited her self in just so you know"


~~~ back to kevins p.o.v~~~

So so edd come in the doar with a nazz following him. I go and pick edd up and set him in my lap "hay nazz how are you doing today?"

"I'm doing good. You?"

"I was having the werst day till you brote me my edd back."

"Awwwwww so you did miss me. Oh and  did you ever make your self lunch or did you want to wait for me to help you make food?"

"Um I did not know if you wanted to eat with me or not.?".

"I'm leaving now your guys house is as poring as mine."

"Bye nass."  Eff said as he get out of me lap to give her a hug.

"Kevin ypur not going to give your best firend a hug." Nass said like she was so offended that I did not give her a hug

"Well I can't give my best friend he is in taxis visiting ed and rolf so no I'm not going to give my best friend a hug." I said pulling edd in to a hug. Thin I herd nass Huff like she was trying to be the big bad wolf.

"Ugg Kevin just give me a hug!"

"Ok ok don't go and cut off my balls."I gave her a hug and she smiled and gave one last good bye hug and left.

"So edd my grandma said I have the job, but she thinks we should move closer to them."

"Ok so why do you look so serious then we can move and just stay hear during the summer ."

"Well she want us to move in to one of ther mantoins the one she picked out is the smallist one."

*shows Edd the pic of the mansion*

"The smallest on that's looks bigger than your house! I'm fine with moving in there if you are baby

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"The smallest on that's looks bigger than your house! I'm fine with moving in there if you are baby."

"K well I start work next month so we can start to pack soon if thats ok but we will not be as close nazz and Sarah just so you know."

"Okay but you will be closer to your family and I would love to meet them is that okay with you."

"Yep we will start to pack Wednesday." I go to sit down on the couch when edd pulled me up "no you need to help me cook remmeder.

"Yes I do but I dont know how to cook though."

Okay we can just order Pizza then. So we dont  dirty a lot of dishes since you don't know how to cook." Edd saidas he walked back to the couch. And he ordered food on his phone and. cuddled close to me. I am glad I don't work for Skylar any more how he pretty much tryed to undress him with his eyes. I would have had to kill him if he ever tryed to get in to edds pants.

~~~after the food got to there house edds p.o.v ~~~

Thank you for the food." I say as i closed the dore

"Whats wrong kevin."

"He was staring at you like he was going to eat you. I don't like him." Kevin said as I sat the food down on the coffee table

"Are you jealous because he was looking at me?"

"No, I'm mad he was looking at my kitten like he owned you. But he can't own you because I do. So if I see him again I'm going to hit him straight in the balls. "  Kevin is a little to overly protective over me but I would not have him change a thing I like that he will kill a bitch to get to me. I don't know what I would be doing if there was no Kevin hear. I dont want to live a life without kevin.

"Hay kevin."

"Yah babe." He said as he shoves his mouth full of pizza and garlic sticks

"I love you more than you love my eggs and pancakes."

"I love you more than your eggs, pancakes, red velvet cake, and homemade pizza . babe I would give you a kiss bit I'm busy eating." I laughed and cuddled up to him and we at a wole pizza by ourselves.

When we went upstairs I put on my new pair of pajamas "you look so cute edd almost like the first day when you wore my F.O.B shirt."


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(I wish I had this outfit, and edd loved his hoodies)

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(I wish I had this outfit, and edd loved his hoodies)

He smiled and I hid my face in his chest "you know I don't care that almost every comment I  say  you makes you blush I like knowing that you love each word I say about you." He said plasing his index finger under my chin and made me look at him he smiled and kissed my cheek and he whispered 'cute' and laid us down. He intently wrapped his arms around me and I wrappped my arms as well as I could ournd his back he chuckled and moved me so my arms were around his neck I smiled and kissed his nose and hid in his neck. Then the next thang I new I was asleep


So I wrote more than 1,400 word I'm so proud of my self. I some how had the whole day off no stess so I wrote a new chapter I hope you all like it bye 🐍🐢

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