Chapter 33: Shaky Duel

Start from the beginning

"Detention, Mister Potter. For a month with Mister Filch," he said sternly. "Continue practicing."

The class obeyed him as their fear was rejuvenated with this exchange. He moved around, observing his students. All of them were failing at the magic call. He went around correcting them. Then he found Neville and Granger. She didn't have her arm raised at all. She wasn't making efforts to defend herself. He couldn't blame her of course. She was paired with Neville after all.

"Don't let your guard down even if your opponent is incompetent, Granger!" he barked and after a brief look to him, she nodded.

"Right, sir. Sorry, sir," she replied, this time focused on what she had to do.

But then, he saw her hand trembling uncontrollably. Was she scared? Something like this shouldn't have scared her after all she'd been through.

He looked at her with confusion, trying to see the duel from the shadows of the corner he was in. No spells came from her wand and the shaking never stopped in the whole hour left. She even got disarmed by Neville.

The students rushed away the moment they were dismissed, but he still had his back pressed against the wall, thinking on the events he'd seen today and linking them with the others he had witnessed. His concern for the young witch was growing. She appeared depressed most of the time, but today she'd been scared. She was traumatized by something to do with fighting. He'd seen it in seasoned wizards before.

Then, his ears caught Weasley and Granger's voices outside and he moved closer to the door.

"You know how he is. He needs time to deal with what happened, and you aren't making it easy for him."
Severus knew the situation had to do with Potter but it was interesting to have it confirmed further.

"I-I know...but...I apologized but... he avoids me. And you do too, Ron." Her voice sounded like she was at the edge of tears.

"Well, you're strong and he isn't. He needs me more. Sorry, but he is my best mate." That boy was stupid. He didn't have to avoid one friend to help another. His mind harked back to Lily. Before he messed up with his comment, she'd been friends with both him and the Gryffindors.

"You are... You know what, fine! Go with him. I don't need any of you!" He heard a grunt and some steps. "But still tell him I'm sorry." The footsteps faded and he heard a small sob.

He tensed in response and something inside him twisted to the point he felt repulsion for the boy and sympathy for the girl. He knew what it was to have an apology rejected.

His emotions took control of him and he walked outside. The girl was silently crying with her back against the wall.

"I'm sorry, Harry," she barely whispered, once, twice. Merlin, that boy didn't deserve any of her tears after all he dragged her into. After almost killing her.

"I should take points from you for making my corridor wet," he snapped, not out of anger toward her but toward the two boys.

She looked up, startled, and when she acknowledged his presence, her cheeks became slightly red.

"I-I'm sorry, sir. I will go." She tried to clean her tears from her face with her palm.

He let a long breath escape from his lungs and his anger seemed to fade with it. He couldn't believe this. How easily his mood changed.

"If someone has to apologize, it's him to you."

Her eyes went wide. "I-I don't think so, sir. He hates me. I don't know if I can ever be forgiven."

Her misery made his anger rise again. What was she talking about? If she made a mistake with Potter and apologized, no matter what she'd done, she should've been forgiven for it. Or at the very least not treated like a pariah. After all the boy dragged her into, he had no right to hold a grudge. Despite how much his curiosity ate at him, it was none of his business.

But then again, if it affected her performance in his classes, then it was his place to be involved.

"You have someone around to forgive you. Work for it." Her eyes looked at him with wonder, tears forgotten. "You are an annoying Gryffindor. I'm sure you can do it."

Her eyes softened and a shy smile formed on her lips.

"Thank you for your words." She bowed low. No one had ever bowed like that to him. "I will try my best and will follow your advice."

She straightened, and he studied her. There was no mockery at all. Never from her.

"All right, Miss Granger. I don't want you to flood my corridor again." A simple joke escaped from him.

"No points deduction, sir?"

"Not today." He crossed his arms. "Go away. You have classes and time to solve your problem this weekend."

"Thank you, Professor Snape."

She walked away and he tensed.

Being thanked sincerely so often tended to do that to him.

AN: Okay, we are starting to develop the...mystery? And their... let's say, interactions. Hope you liked it and let me know what you think. Till Saturday if all goes well.

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