Meeting his girlfriend...awkward

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Finishing off our meal, Carly was nearly jumping from her seat with excitement. Today had been a big day for her, she meet One Direction and was going to see them in concert. She was closer to the boys than she ever thought she was going to be. I smiled over at her.

“What’s your favourite song of theirs?” I asked, she thought for a moment.

“Um, it’s hard all their songs are amazing but I’m going to go with Stand Up, it’s got such a catchy tune and it makes you want to jump around” she said, the excitement pouring from her.

Laughing I nodded “I guess, I better start to listen to their music and enjoy it” I replied, an unusual feeling stirred in my stomach.

This was happening, I was considered as a person of importance to Niall Horan. Taking a breath to steady myself, my heart started to flutter at the thought. Paying for our meal, it had already fallen dark. Walking along the board walk, all the buildings around us were lit up like a thousand sparkling candles.

“I love Brisbane” I said, casually.

Looking around, she nodded in agreement “Yeah...” she shrugged.

“You know what is better than Brisbane?” she asked, I shrugged.


“Niall Horan is keen on my best friend!” she squealed, I laughed lightly.

“Wow, you’re a bigger dork than I thought” I replied, nudging her.

She chuckled “And I bet Niall has a bigger d-“she said, I clamped my hand down on her mouth.

“Ew, I barley know the kid” I said, letting go of her mouth slowly.

She sighed and then chuckled “You’re a boob, there is nothing wrong with wanting to have sex with that Irish boy” she said, I laughed lightly.

“Carly, do you ever think before you speak?” I asked, a slight smile peaking at my lips.

She thought and shook her head “Not often enough, but that’s why I’m your best friend” she said, I stopped and frowned.

“Didn’t anyone tell you? I’m only using you for these tickets, I heard there a really cool band from England and Ireland!” I said, she gasped and then registering my sarcasm turned her gasp into a laugh,

“Yeah, I heard the Irish one is keen on this red headed chick though...” she shrugged, laughing she nudged me.

Finding our seats where pretty easy, Niall pulled some strings and got us third row seats. I guess those boys have seats arranged for their special guests. When they wanna tune them, they know how to do it in style. Sitting behind two small ten year old girls, it was almost heart breaking hearing them speak. I couldn’t believe the filth that fell from these girls mouths. One was a small blonde and the other a brunette.

“I so badly want to scream out Niall as he sticks his erection in my direction” the blonde moaned, I exchanged a glance with Carly.

“Ugh, no way! I want to be sandwiched between Zayn and Louis, can you say ‘cummy’?” the brunette growled.

“Dude! Have you girls even hit puberty yet?”I heard a thick British accent ask, looking beside me I heard Carly gasp.

“Oh my god, it’s Danielle!” she squealed, smacking my arm.

The two ten year olds turned back and glared at us three “EW, it’s that slut that Niall was seen with today and oh my god! Danielle!” the blonde screamed, her eyes growing wide.

Danielle frowned “Ugh, hi” she said, looking away awkwardly.

Turning to me she smiled “Hi, I’m Danielle; Liam filled me in on who you are” she smiled, I smiled kindly back.

“Danielle, please can we get a photo with you!” the brunette asked, Danielle shook her head.

“Ugh, no for two reasons I’m not here to mooch of Liam’s fame and the fact that you were so rude to Carter here, makes me really hate speaking to Directionators” she said, with a kind smile.

They both scoffed “Oh my god, where the biggest Directioners out there!”

Carly laughed “Oh really? Name three songs of their album?” she demanded, they thought for a moment.

“What Makes You Beautiful, One Thing and....” the blonde thought for a moment.

“Better question, who is Kevin? Paul? Baby Lux?” she demanded, they both thought for a moment.

“Just turn around and learn some self respect girls” Danielle said, shooing them away.

Sitting down with her, we smiled awkwardly to each other.

“You know, I was talking to Niall before and he seems really interesting in this mysterious girl with red hair” she said, I felt my cheeks match the colour of my hair.

“She’s keen on him, but knowing Carter she’ll take forever to make a official move” Carly added in, smiling over at Danielle.

She chuckled “Really? I’m Danielle” she said, Carly beamed.

“I know! I mean, it’s nice to meet you Danielle, I’m Carly” she said.

I laughed “Sorry, Carly is a bit overwhelmed about what happened today” I added, Danielle shrugged.

“It’s okay, you are allowed to get overwhelmed, it’s a pretty big thing” she added.

As the lights dimmed down, the extreme squeal from the crowd erupted. Girls chanting out the boy’s names. I noticed that I could hardly hear anyone calling for Niall. Smiling over to Danielle and then to Carly, we waited as the band took their positions waiting for the boys to emerge from the bottom of the stage.

Watching the boys perform was surreal, I found myself to be in a trance. Watching them call out to the crowed, smile in and muck around like dorks. I trained my eyes on watching Niall, the entire performance. The two girls in front of us, where calling out to him; halve way through One Thing. He glanced down at them, smiling he looked up at me. Catching eye contact, he kept it for a moment; he smiled, blew me a kiss and then winked. The two girls turned to look at me in disgust.

“As if he’ll ever love you!” they screamed at me, I frowned and shrugged.

“Seems like I already have him?” I replied with a kind smile.

As the boys said there final good-bye’s to the crowd, Liam and Niall stopped and quickly walked back on stage. The crowd erupting again, calling to the two boys.

“I just wanted to say thank-you to my beautiful girlfriend; Danielle who is here tonight” Liam said, Danielle blushed and looked away.

I nudged her playfully, Niall stepped forward. My stomach began to flutter.

“I would like to say thank-you to the crowd tonight for being so wonderful and a big thank-you to my new friends; Carter and Carly. Those girls know how to rock out” he said.

My heart sunk, Carly bit her lip and looked away. Danielle looked at me with a slight sadness. The two girls turned around, both sneering at me.

“I guess you don’t actually have him” she sneered, before walking away.

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