Abort the foetal position!

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Picking up Carly was the easy part to our night, sitting in the van as we drove into the city was a different story. It was peak hour traffic, resulting in a stand still traffic jam. Carly was struggling to keep her cool being in a car with Harry and Niall. I couldn’t help but smile over at my best friend, sitting beside Niall who was nervously looking around. He would catch my eye contact every few moments and then look away like we were twelve. I sat beside Harry, to even things up and they would be kind of awkward sitting in any other arrangement. Crossing my arms, I leaned back into the seat and smiled over at Harry. Turning my head, to start a conversation with him.

“I reckon with your head, the baby would at least be an eight pounder” I said, with a quirky smile.

He barked out a laugh “I never knew you could say such hurtful things,” he said, holding his chest with a smile.

Smiling over at Niall, he blushed and laughed faintly. Harry leaned over to me, his mouth at my ear. Niall shot him a frown and looked away quickly.

“Don’t worry; he likes you I’m guessing he screwed something up beforehand. Play it cool, he’s shy but a great guy” Harry whispered before pushing away.

I smiled weakly and nodded “Okay” I replied, my voice cracking.

Pulling into the venue, there was a mass of screaming girls. They started to hit the windows, crying out to the two boys inside. Niall and Harry happily waved out to them, smiling and nodding at girls who screamed out questions. Putting my head down, along with Carly I swapped seats with Niall so we didn’t get in the way of the fans seeing the boys. Carly instantly leaned in and whispered in my ear.

“Dude, each time you spoke to Harry there were glares being shot at him from Niall. This kid’s pretty keen, make a move. I’ll play wingman and distract the other four boys while you jump on it!” she said, before nudging me playfully.

I choked on a giggle, looking to Niall and smiling slightly and dropping my eyes to the floor.

Getting out of the car, the squeals of fans were deafening. I covered my ears with my hands, looking to Carly who was doing the same thing. Paul, there bodyguard who I personally thought was a legend dealing with these girls, stepped in beside me and Carly. Pushing us away from the boys and the fans, he smiled at us.

“Are you Carter?” he asked, glancing over his shoulder at me.

I nodded “Yeah” I replied, my response almost being drowning out from the girls.

He smiled and chuckled “You are nothing like I thought you were going to look” he said, I frowned.

“Why’s that!” I hollered back, he shrugged.

“You’re nothing like any of his ex’s, don’t worry it’s a good thing” he said, I nodded.

I felt a strong arm wrap around my waist, pulling me away from Paul. I frowned and looked up; it was Niall dragging me inside. Waving to fans, I stumbled up beside him. I caught the last of a few insults being thrown towards me; they were defiantly the exact reason why girls have low self-esteem. Shutting the door behind us, we walked down a large hallway filled with workers and their management team. Walking beside Niall, I couldn’t help but feel like every pair of eyes was trained on me and him. Looking down, I noticed his arm still firmly wrapped around my waist. My cheeks flushed red, looking back at Carly. She smiled brightly and winked at me playfully, Harry beside her chuckled and nodded.

Turning around, I glanced up at Niall and smiled. He chuckled and winked back, a middle aged blonde woman came scurrying over. Her heels clicking against the tiled floor, stopping us in the middle of the hallway, Niall smiled up at her.

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