Confessions of an Adulteress

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We're both on different pages of  the same book

Married for 10 years but you stop noticing me

you stopped sending me flowers

you forgot my birthday

you forgot our anniversary

you barely look my way

you haven't really talked to me in a while

I don't see the same passion in your eyes 


So every day 

as soon as you leave for work

I get dressed in lingerie and 

i drive 5 minutes down the block  to his house

he looks at me

he knows my name

he remembered my  birthday 

and he remembers the first time we met

at the park 

where you forgot to come because you had a meeting


Our youngest son that we have together

doesn't share the same blood as you

i hope you can understand that

the love we share has faded 

can you still please love my son?


as i sit here and write this 

divorce papers sit on my desk

I sit in his lap and he helps me get the strength to tell you  

my confessions

that may break your heart

but if breaking a heart 

will find me new love

it is worth doing

you can have the house and I'll move out

I do not aspire to take your money

and you will always be my baby

i will always love you

just not in the way i used to

i do not aspire to hurt you 

i just aspire to no longer have your last name

or share your bed with you

or make you dinner

i aspire to be happy

happy without you

now i must say goodbye 

goodbye to you

goodbye to my former self

goodbye to us

these are my confessions

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