A Girl

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I'm just another dumb, ditsy girl

A girl who believed in you and saw your potential

A girl who loved so hard and left so slowly

A girl who never felt loved the way she should have been

A girl who had many admirers and didn't realize they all wanted relations, penetration but no conversation

A girl who forgot things so quickly 

A girl who lost everything she worked for because of it 

A girl who falls in love too fast 

A girl who never lets her wounds heal before going back out to get wounded again

A girl who fell victim to herself and her own insecurities

A girl who fought to be like her, to be the one he wanted

I'm just another girl, another simple minded girl, 

I read, I write, I dream but I'm still another idiotic girl 

A girl who likes to play pretend 

A girl who is still so childish, so kiddy

A girl who is too Naive to realize that he's just using her until he finds something better, something untapped

A girl who was so selfish

A girl who took the few people that did love her for granted 

A girl who wanted so badly just to fit in 

A girl who wanted to belong to someone...to something 

A girl who didn't know her place or when to shut up 

A girl who wanted so badly to feel loved by others that she stopped loving herself

Just another stupid, brainless, easy girl

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