Conversations with Imani Brown

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When I looked at you

I noticed something

so much hurt in your eyes

I wanted to speak

I wanted so ask you why

"My dark skin and my thick thighs seems to be a problem"

she said to me.

I hugged her tight and let her know that she meant the world to me.

"Being black is so beautiful but so hard"

"Keep pushing baby girl you're a star,"

"No man you won't understand, I work 2 jobs, in nursing school but still can't get ahead my kinky hair and my melanin always causes problems. No one understands what I go through. I'm not a monkey I'm a black woman and I'm proud. I'm not your stereotypes. I know my dad and No i don't live in the projects. I don't eat chicken and watermelon everyday"

I saw the tears forming in her eyes and I felt her pain and when I held her hand I felt the connection.

"I do understand and I do feel your pain l feel your pain. I cry myself to sleep every night thinking bout it. See my brother got shot by a cop walking one night. He just wanted a beer and his cig to calm his nerves. When he walked they popped in the back a few times. My brother died and that cop has been celebrated, emancipated from his crime, now he's the town sheriff and everyday I have to look him in his eye"

She looked me in the eye and I heard her sigh

"One day my black skin and my thick thighs will be memorized and maybe even celebrated"

and even though I never saw her since we parted ways, I still feel her pain.

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