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I am a prisoner to my own afflictions

Locked in a cell filled with all of my past addictions

Making homes out of people because I simply did not have my own

Fighting with my mind, warming a heart that's cold as stone

Searching for the answers in places filled with ignorance

I am a prisoner to my own naivety

Not understanding that he never had any good intentions 

Dealing with his condescension 

and dwelling in his contention

I am a prisoner to my own denial 

refusing to realize what everyone else could see 

making myself out to be the imbecile

Locked in a prison 

made with bars that I myself put together

I am prisoner to my own vindictiveness

finding every way to make everyone else feel pain 

the same pain I endured

hitting them with the deadly blows 

that were bestowed upon me. 

I am a prisoner to my own vices 

and I have a life sentence in my own hell 

one that i made for myself. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 03, 2016 ⏰

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