Party Planning

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October 25, 2012

Dear Diary,

         My parents found out about me not doing my homework… I wont get too into details, but lets just say… they were pissed as hell! They didn’t even care about all the stress I was going through…. I don’t think they like Jake that much… I mean they tolerate him and all… but I don’t think they enjoy everything that he’s done to me… Sure I’ve changed a bit, but it’s all been for the best… I love him, and all I want if for him to be better… If that means I change a bit in the process… so be it… my parents can punish me all they want, but… they can’t make me stop putting Jake first… he’d do the same for me.

         Now I have a lot of work to catch up on, but it’s not so bad… I don’t get to see Jake that much, so it gives me something to distract me from missing him.

         On another note, Halloween is in a few days and I have absolutely NO idea what is going to happen. Rachel and I had been planning to have a party with all of our friends and of course our bfs, but with all of this Jake stuff going on we haven’t had time to plan at all. I haven’t even gotten a costume. I’m going to her house after school tomorrow so we’ll be able to work it out then. I hope that Jake can come to the party, but if he can’t… I’ll be more than happy to skip the party and hang with him instead. It’d be fun… as long as his mom stays out of our way… We could dress up (or not), watch scary movies, eat lots of crap, and just have a nice date together J However, if he CAN go to the party… It will be fucking awesome!

October 26, 2012

Dear Diary,

         Okay Rachel and I have this whole party planned out! Unfortunately, we have stupid school the next day, since it’s on a Wednesday this year. Oh well haha, who needs sleep? We will all get awesome costumes and makeup! We will all meet at Rachel’s house at like 8 p.m.-ish (Her house is HUGE and her parents are going out of town) then we will play shit loads of fun Halloweeny games. Rachel, Casey, and I are going to get soooooo much candy! I’m an addict when it comes to candy; I can’t wait! If we are lucky, Matt and some of his friends will be able to sneak in some beer. That will just make it better! Jake and I’ll have to play beer pong again J I’ve been texting Jake about it all day, and he seems like he’ll be able to go! He hasn’t exactly asked his mom though, so we just have to cross our fingers about that. Other than that we’ve been planning our costumes. We’ve had a little trouble deciding on a costume though. He suggested Skeletons… but… I don’t know… I don’t really want his skinniness amplified more (I’m going to fatten him up on Halloween, but he has gained weight J).

I was thinking maybe Frankenstein and Frankenstein’s Bride, but on such short notice that could be a little difficult: P I think we decided on a rocker couple, since we both like music and the costumes would be pretty easy (Jake already owns a lot of black clothing) We are going to the mall tomorrow to buy some stuff for the costumes. I told him I was considering dying my hair for the costume. Haha my parents would freak XD Still I think a pink stripe would look nice with my hair color anyways so you never know.

October 27, 2012

Dear Diary,

         The mall looks really cool now. There are Halloween decorations everywhere, and all of the stores have big sales on gothic clothing. Needless to day, our costume hunt was pretty easy. We hit Hot Topic first (duh). I got black and pink ripped skinny jeans, and a black and pink lace corseted top. I also got spiky black heels and TONS of makeup. I got at least five band bracelets. I won’t lie, I’m going to look like such a slut, but it matches the costume idea and come on its Halloween (My parents will never see my costume though XD). Jake got a black, studded, leather jacket, skull covered black boots, ripped jeans, and a cheap red guitar. He’s going to look so hot! Then we went to a small jewelry store and bought a bunch of skull-covered jewelry. They were all so pretty J I got about four necklaces, one pair of earrings, and three rings. Jake got a black cross necklace.

         After our crazy costume shopping spree, we went to a hair salon, and guess what? I got a pink stripe in my hair! It looks awesome! It’s on the left side and right on the top layer (no hiding THAT from my parents). Jake says it looks really cool, but he was a little worried about how my parents would react. It was cute how worried he was J I’m not worried though. I’ve almost caught up on my homework and I’ve been pretty good this year, so they can’t be too mad at me for this one thing. Besides it isn’t permanent.

October 28, 2012

Dear Diary,

         You’ll never guess what Jake did! He got a lip piercing! It’s on the bottom left of his lip. His mom was not happy about that! He sent me a picture of it tonight. He says that he was meaning to get a piercing for a while and that it will only amplify our costumes. He kept joking about how we should see who gets more pissed, my parents for my hair, or his mom for his lip. Believe it or not I think I would win this. My parents were NOT happy about my hair one bit. It took me a few hours to convince them that it was not the end of the world. I swear those people can really over react. As far as Jake… well… his mom still blames anything he does on his ‘illness’, so she doesn’t really get mad at him. However, she did make it very clear that if he got any other piercings, he would be in huge trouble. It doesn’t matter anyway, since Jake didn’t really want anymore. I think it looks cool though. I never thought that guys looked good with piercings until now. I gotta say, they aren’t that bad.

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