You Said You Loved Me

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July 19, 2012

Dear Diary,

         I saw Jake today J not alone though, I saw him with Casey and Brandon at the mall (we went on a double date). He seemed happy. You’d never know that he was hurting inside. He never mentioned the other few days, or the fact that he’d even been to my house in the past week. We just sat there like nothing happened; we laughed, we kissed, we shared food. I nearly forgot about the past week. He was adorable! I mean, he bought me a stuffed cat J I think Casey was a little jealous. Hehe. It was the best day I’d had in a while. I wish it could go on forever.

July 21, 2012

Dear Diary,

         Jake has been so sweet lately! He tells me he loves me almost every second we’re together! He’s so sweet <3 The other day he bought me a bouquet just out of the blue! He hasn’t shown up at my house high lately so I’m happy for that and he always makes sure to cover his arms with me. I think he’s getting better.

July 23, 2012

Dear Diary,

         School is starting soon. Sux right? Goodbye staying up all night and hello waking up at 6:00 a.m.! I still haven’t done any of my summer homework and I need to hurry! I’ve just been sooooooooo busy hanging out with Jake J

July 28, 2012

Dearest Diary,

         I am the happiest girl in the world! Do you want to know why? Of course you do! God I’m talking to a diary! Anyway, this is why I’m happy. JAKE IS IN THREE OF MY CLASSES! It’s almost impossible to be in the same classes as your friends in this stupid school. Its sooooo big (I didn’t even know he went to my school) ! We will see each other every day J I didn’t think it was possible for me to be this lucky!

Dear Diary,

Yeah, yeah I know it’s the same day and I didn’t have to re-write ‘dear diary’, but ya know what? This doesn’t deserve a ‘dearest diary’! It deserves more of a dear mother-fucking diary!

         What the hell is Jake’s problem!? He seemed almost angry that we were in the same classes! He kept asking if I was ‘sure’ I didn’t want to change classes! I thought he loved me…

August 3, 2012

Dear Diary,        

Well…what can I say? School starts on Monday and Jake hasn’t spoken to me since last week. I really hope that it isn’t over, but I hardly expect him to show up at my door again and beg for forgiveness. Maybe he isn’t the boy I’m going to marry after all…

August 5, 2012

Dear Diary,

Last night I cried myself to sleep…

I still haven’t heard from Jake, and god knows I’ve tried to contact him. I even went to his house once, but his mom claimed he wasn’t home…

I knew she was lying. There was smoke coming out of his window, and when I was walking away I saw him wave to me… he had no shirt on…I saw his whole arm…fresh cuts and all.

         A shiver ran down my spine….

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