Simple Questions With No Answers

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September 11, 2012

Dear Diary,

Casey and Brandon got in a fight, so all day Casey was hanging with me complaining about how she was right. In all honesty I couldn’t figure out what the argument was about. A lot of ‘he’s an ass’ and ‘can you believe this?’ In the end I just sort if zoned out and nodded when she looked at me. I mean what else could I do?  I had no idea what she was saying, and every time I tried to say something, she’d just ignore me and rant some more. I hope they make up soon. They’re perfect for each other, and I really don’t want to loose either of them as my friends.

September 13, 2012

Dear Diary,

I think I’m smart. I mean I get almost all As and I have a pretty good memory, yet there is an endless amount of things that I have no idea about! Here’s a little list of some of those things…

What the hell Casey and Brandon’s argument was about.

When they decided they weren’t mad anymore (I mean seriously it was like nothing happened!)

Why we need to know how to do the weirdest math problems in the world.

Why a sweet boy is tormented every day.

Why the world would let the Jackass tormenting him to be one of the most popular boys in school.

Why Jake’s mom refuses to accept Jake’s problem.

Why she refuses therapy.

How she can allow him to be alone so much with alcohol, weed, a knife, and his pain.

 How Jake can just take his abuse.

Why he won’t let me help

How far was he pushed before he felt the need to cut.

Why NOBODY did anything to help.

How I can make him better when his own family refused to help.

The list goes on and on…

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