Kyle/HumanKite x Superhero!Reader x Kenny/Mysterion - Join me--no! me!

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(Quick A/N: there are 3 endings in this, don't worry.)

Your POV

I was in my (f/c) costume wearing a black mask that stops to the bridge of my nose covering my face with a black cloak. I was known as the superhero (h/n) and I was currently doing my rounds around town, I never joined any alliances because I think that the C.A.F alliance is utter shit. Freedom Pals however, are too much into their work, sometimes forgetting atleast SOMETHING. I sat on the roof of south park elementary, hoping to see either HumanKite or Mysterion in action. I was crushing on them but I cant betray my love for Kenny and Kyle. "so, we meet again huh (h/n)" "just join one of the alliances! If you join the C.A.F, you can have perks!" A oh-so familiar deep voice followed by a more lighter voice rang out in the roof. I pouted and said without looking, "but I don't wanna, the coon is a jerk, freedom pals are immersed with their work every night which means no pizza nights!" as I said that, mysterion facepalmed while humankite said, "ok, if you wont join any alliances, lets reveal our identities, us 3 only.". My eyes went huge like dinner plates and turned to them, "WHAT?! I CANT!" and was practically sweating. "no biggie, only the three of us know our identities by then and have a stronger trust bond." Mysterion said, agreeing. "see? Mysterion agrees" humankite smirked in triumph and I groaned, finally agreeing to stop any disputes. I removed my mask while the other 2 did the same and I see a familiar mop of red and blonde hair with pairs of emerald green and sky blue orbs looked at my (e/c) ones. I started blushing slightly and cut the tension like butter. "K-kyle and Kenny?" I stuttered out, speechless at what I am looking at. "(Y/N)?!" the two said in unison as they are blushing too. I couldn't believe it, my crushes were the alter ego's of my superhero crushes. I quickly put on my mask and jumped off to the flagpole and to another roof in embarrassment, wanting to get away. I was grabbed by the hood of my cloak and my long/short (h/c) hair blew in the wind, me just hanging by my cloak. I looked up fearfully to my captor which was mysterion, slightly struggling to pull me up. "why did you run?" he asked in his normal voice, I answered with a whimper since he did not pull me up yet. He seemed to get it across and called over humankite to help him. As we were sitting on the roof of the post office, questions were bombarded at me. I answered all of them truthfully until the both of them asked the same thing.

"Who do you love more between me and him?"

Kyle Ending

"I.....I choose kyle, he is just too cute you know?" I say, blushing like a tomato. Mysterio—I mean Kenny just smiled and shoved kyle to me playfully and said, "its fine, go be with your princess" ending with a smirk as he jumped off into the night, probably patrolling. Kyle smiled and kissed me and I gladly kissed him back.

Kenny Ending

"I.....I choose kenny, he is just hot you know?" I say, blushing like a tomato. HumanKi—I mean Kyle smiled, nudging Kenny with a huge smirk on his face. "this is totally going on facebook" and he finally pushed Kenny on me, making our lips brush together as he snapped a picture and ran off, patrolling and probably telling stan or toolshed about it.

Both Ending

"I.....I cant choose! Kyle is too cute and Kenny is so hot! I CANT CHOOSE!!" I say screeching, tugging on my hair like tweek would. My hands were pulled to my sides and I felt lips on both of my cheeks. "then we will share you" I heard kyle's voice say and kenny's voice humming in response. I blushed more, finally happy I am dating the two of them.


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