She looked into my eyes to know if I thought the same, after a minute she stood close to me ''That day all changed Yash, people friends cousins and my peers. All I got was whispers , pity and some smirks. I really liked him, for days I tried reaching him but after one or two calls he never responded. On contrary he blamed me for everything. After few days I heard he got engaged to another girl. I saw the pics too, they looked so in love Yash. That hurt. She sobbed clutching her hearts. Composing her self , she wiped her tears turning away fro me ''Later, through grape wine we got to know that his mother was bad mouthing me. ''

''Yash, I know you would say my dad did the right thing and I shouldn't cry over the one who didn't care and all. But , with right come pain and sufferings for the ones who to be on the right path. No one cares Yash, no one. It wasn't just a relationship, it had feelings too. My self respect , my confidence. They shattered all of it Yash and it was nothing for them. They didn't even consider me a human Yash.'' She broke down crying vigorously, I pulled her to my chest and she stayed sobbing letting the trials of tears wet my tshirt. after few minutes I felt her calming, she sniffed and moved away; ''   I couldn't work at my office. I felt, every time I was surrounded by people. I felt they were talking about me. Its not easy Yash, society , people they live and love keeping the pain of others alive. Every time a proposal came , I saw the doubt evident in their eyes. So I did something I never had done before. I left, the place, my house .The people and came here. I lost my grandfather , though everyone says it was age but I know , he couldn't stand me in pain.  I decided never to let a guy in my life. Please, don't make it difficult. Don't spoil what we have''

That moment I didn't know what to tell her, but I respected her for everything. taking a step closer I cupped her cheek ''I am not sorry for loving you Resh, you are everything I ever wanted'' She tried to interrupt, but I silenced her with my finger on her lips ''You can't deny what we shared. What you feel, because I felt it too. '' She removed my finger and lowered her head; ''Yash, may be I responded because of my humanly needs ...'' my palm covered her mouth to stop the flow of words. ''Screw your hormones Resh and listen to me. '' She nodded like an obedient child. ''I understand , all of it. But, you said you did something which you never did before so do us a favour and do it again. Let yourself lose Resh, I will be there. I will make up for all moments we missed in these years. I will make up for that stupid engagement which I should have stopped. It was you who helped me up when Sheetal broke me and now its my turn. I promise to be your friend for life . Above all, I promise to love you with every breath.'' She     shook her head turning away; ''You don't understand''

Walking to her I hugged her from behind ''I don't want to,lets just both be fools for sometime. Give us  a chance Resh. Give my feelings a chance, kick me out if I hurt you even once'' She tried moving out but I pulled her close. She gave up. We stood their for sometime before moving apart. Cupping her cheeks, I wiped her tears off. ''Now be a good girl and get ready. You have work to do. Please wear a smile with a good dress or Shikha will chop me into pieces blaming me for god know what'' She smiled and nodded once . Moving to the door i turned to her again; ''I love you Resh and I am determined to make you love me. I lost you and then found you to realize that you lost yourself. Together we will find you and make you fall for me.'' She blinked and I left shutting the door behind me.

''You are a great guy and she is lucky. tell me if you need any assistance'' Shikha spoke with a gratitude in a her voice. All I could do was pat her cheek, she is a true friend ''Just take her to work for now. She needs little space from me. From now , its my job to bring my old Reshu back '' Shikha gave me a mock salute before marching into the room. I could hear her reprimanding Resh for forgetting the important meeting for the day. I smiled, sometime it needs more than one to achieve a single goal.


I heard a knock and turned to find Resh dressed in a crisp suit standing at the door ''I am leaving for work, will be back by afternoon'' I nodded, she fiddled with her fingers before walking in. I stood in silence, from now there will be no more pushing . I will give her time and space. She looked at me with confusion in her eyes, but them all calmed. taking a step closer she hugged me''Thank you!! for hearing me out'' Closing my arms around her , I held her in silence. She seemed reluctant to move out. Tilting my face I placed my lips on her neck, she crooked it giving me a better access. I wanted to explore, but no. I know what she was doing, she wanted to prove it to be just attraction and blame it on hormones. Not gain, I love her and I will make her love me. Breaking the hug I pecked her forehead ''Have a great day and knock your clients off'' She gave me a wide smile, before walking out of the door. I stood watching her till the car disappeared in the cloud of dust. I came back to find her and my search begins now.


The journey to find her begins- do drop in your views and comments

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