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"Uh..v..lets go somewhere else to eat. I don't feel comfortable here (saeyun said)

"Why? Its ok here. The food is good. The serving is great. Why arn't you comfortable? (V said)

"Jebal...(saeyun begg)

"Ok..lets go ( v smile)

Saeyun hug v's arm and get out of the restaurant.

In the car..

"Why don't want to eat there? (V said)

"I don't know..(saeyun said)

" have seen someone that make you curious? (V said)

"Yah! (Saeyun glare at v)

"Ok ok..i'll stop (v said and drive)

At the second restaurant..

"Eh..your saeyun who act with eunwoo. Andwae!! Eunwoo is mine (the waiter throws a tissue at saeyun)

V hug saeyun so the tissue would not touch saeyun.

"We go and eat at the other place ok (v said)

"Nae..(saeyun weird)

V still hug saeyun and go to the other place.

In the car..

"Lets just bought something from the supermarket and cook it at home? (V said)

"Yeah..ok (saeyun smile)

V drive to the supermarket..

At the supermarket..

Saeyun was pushing the trolly and then she saw a sweet shop. She push the trolly at the shop.

"I want..this,this,this,this one, this three ,those,these,that and that (saeyun took it and put it in the trolly)

V smiles looking at saeyun.

"You are just like a child (v said)

"Hehe (saeyun giggle)

"We are gonna cook at home but you bought alot of sweets? (V said)

"This is for dessert hehe (saeyun smile)

"Oh..saeyun..(v took a deep breath)

Then they go to the fish section..

"Taehyun..(saeyun said)

V turns to face saeyun.

"Here..(saeyun point the sword fish nose at v)

"Omo (v shock)

" scare me (v said)

"So..what are we gonna make? (Saeyun said)

"I was thinking of..kimchi pasta? Hows that sound? (V said)

" ok with it (saeyun said)

They spend 2 hours in the market and they only bought..

Junk food

At home...

V carry all the grocery stuff and saeyun just watch will eating her chips.

Saeyun just watch every move of v doing work.

"Don't wanna help? (V smile)

"I will help you..but after i finish my chips hehe (saeyun giggle)

V just smile looking at his crush being like a little kid

At the kitchen..

V take a pot and pour water in it to cook the pasta.

Saeyun throws the bag of chips that was empty and come to the kitchen.

"Want me to help you? My sweet chef (saeyun smile)

"Cut some carrots? (V said)

"Ok..(saeyun said)

At the dining table..

After they cooked the pasta they serve it on the table.

"Yeah..its done (saeyun happy)

V pull the chair for saeyun to sit.

"Gomawo (saeyun smile)

"Cheonma (v smile)

Saeyun sit. V give saeyun a plate of pasta and he puts some kimchi on it.

"Ummm (saeyun happy)

"Tomorror are you going again? (V said)

"Yeah..but different place (saeyun said)

"Ouh..where? (V said)

"I don't know.. (saeyun said)

"If your already in a big house don't forget about me ok (v said)

"Of course im not gonna forget you (saeyun smile)

"Promise? (V said)

"Promise (saeyun smile)

"Ok! (V smile)

At night..

In the room..

"Awh~ (saeyun yawn)

"Its 9:45 p.m..i better sleep (saeyun lying down on her bed and shut her eyes)

"Jimin~ (saeyun said slowly)

creckk..(door sound😂)

"Eh...its still early to sleep (v said)

Saeyun quite.

V kiss saeyun's forehead and leave the room.

"Jaljayo saeyun ( v smile)

* sorry i update late. Please forgive me 😢. I have just ended my exam..sorry i will update soon as possible ok.

Comment me your country ok😊

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