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"My heart just broke!! (Saeyun cried)

"Its ok saeyun..let me make you feel ok (v comfort saeyun)

"Hurry make me ok or i feel more sad (saeyun said)

Then v kiss saeyun's cheeks. Saeyun blushing.

"Tomorror have a shooting? (V said)

"Yup (saeyun smile)

"Ok (v said)

Saeyun saw unnie eunbin pull her laugage to the front door.

"Eh? Where are you going with your laugage? (Saeyun said)

"Oh..i forgot to tell you sorry saeyun but im going to japan for 2 months because i have a cooking competition sorry for not telling you (eunbin said)

"Hmm k..take care unnie. Bring something for me ok bye! (Saeyun said)

"Bye saeyun! (Eunbin smile)

Eunbin pull her laugage out and leaves.


"Soora is not here? Maybe she is out. (Jimin said)

"Ugh..i really miss saeyun. I cant leave her like this (jimin sad)

Jimin lying down on the bed with his iphone. He opens saeyun's ig.



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●saeyunmin65  going for a shoot🎥🎬

6735 likes 3465 comments..

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●chaeunwoo_  kiyowo yeppo😍

●ysmnx_         ofcoz.its readers😎

●saeyunmin65 gomawo eunwoo oppa

"Tsk..(jimin annoyed)

"Who is this eunwoo? (Jimin said)

Jimin search for eunwoo's profile.

Jimin search for eunwoo's profile

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5,647,223 likes 6783 comments

"Ohh..not bad (jimin impressed)

Then jimin took a rest after stalking eunwoo😅


Jimin suddenly awakes because he heard someone is knock his door.

"Its must be soora (jimin smile)

"Oppa~ (soora cute voice😒)

"Waeyo chagi? (Jimin said)

"I want- (soora been cut)

"Want what? (Jimin said)

"I want you hehe (soora naughty)

"Ok chagi (jimin smile)


" bored! (Saeyun said)

"YD Entertainment announce that there is a new actor of this entertainment and that is Jeon Saeyun age 19 (the announcer said)

Saeyun turns her head to the tv and shock af.

"What the hell (saeyun shock)

"Jeon Saeyun will act with a handsome actor ChaEunwoo thats all thank you (the announcer said)

"Wah..awsome. you get to be in a television (v said)

"I was gonna quit (saeyun said)

"What!? Are you just gonna let it go?! You know its hard to get this kinda thing?! And you just gonna let it go just like that!? (V shock)

"Its because areum hates me and jealous of me (saeyun said)

"Don't worry about her and just follow your dream. Just ignore her ok (v said)

"Nae..(saeyun nod)

In saeyun's room..

Saeyun look througj her iphone. And opens instagram app.

5,367,987 started to following you

"Wah!! Daebak!! I can't belive it (saeyun happy)

"Ahh!! How could this happend?!! (Saeyun excited)

She was so excited and accidently drop her iphone on the floor.

"Ahh!! No!! Its crack!! Wae!! Wae!! (Saeyun sad)

Then v came in like there was a fire in saeyun's room.

"Waeyo saeyun!! (V shock)

" iphone broke (saeyun cried)

"Aww..thats ok saeyun..we can buy a new one ok (v comfort saeyun)

"Hmm (saeyun sad)

At the iphone shop...

Saeyun wipe her tears at the shop.

"Choose any iphone you want and i pay them ok ( v smile)

Saeyun look through all the iphones

"All iphones? (Saeyun said)

"Yup. Just take iphone 6 same as me ok. Lets go (v pull saeyun)

"Gomawo (v bow 60° )

Saeyun and v left the shop.

"Take it (v said)

"Oh..sorry i can't take it because its really expensive. You know i can't pay them. You take it (saeyun said)

"Listen..if you don't have a phone how would you contact me? (V smirk)

"Ok..i'll take it (saeyun said)

"Don't be sad about your old phone ok (v said)

"Ok (saeyun smile)

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