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After they played at the park the get back home and rest.

At night...

Saeyun is sitting on a sofa and reading a magezine. Its been 15 years since she sits on that sofa.

"Yah.. (eunjin snacht the magezine from saeyun)

"Wae..(saeyun said in lazinest)

"Bored? (Eunjin said)

"Yeah..(saeyun said)

"Lets go the bitch? Beach..(eunjin smile)

"No not going. I don't wanna get caught by pirates (saeyun said)

"How about we go and eat outside? (Eunjin said)

"We just had dinner. Im full (saeyun said)

"Ugh..lets go shopping (eunjin said)

"Haa..lets go!! (Saeyun happy)

"Its all you wanted right? (Eunjin said)

"Yes (saeyun smile)

"Hey hey..what are you guys talking about hah? (Eunbin came)

"Unnie lets go shopping (saeyun said)

At the shopping mall...

While they were walking together and holding their bags with lots of stuff they bought something caught saeyun's attention.

"Wahh! Beautiful tie. Maybe i should bought this for jimin. Wait!? Why do i care about him? Stop it saeyun...jimin is no longer your husband.(saeun said)

"Saeyun? Whats wrong? (Eunbin said)

"Nothing..(saeyun said)

"Ok..Aaahh lets go there!!! (Eunbin shout)

Eunbin runs to the shoe shop. There was alot of different kind of shoes.

At home..

Aftet they shop saeyun goes in her room and throws all her stuff that she bought on the bed.

She lying down on the bed and look through her right.

"Oh...i forgot jimin is not here. (Saeyun said)

"Agh..stop thinking about jimin...saeyun-ahh (saeyun said)

Then she sleeps.

In the morning..

"Saeyun..wake up..its morning now (eunbin said)

"Hmm.. one more minute oppa..(saeyun said)

" still love him arn't you (eunbin smile)

Eunbin have an idea to wake saeyun up.

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