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"Oppa! She don't wanna let me go huhu (hyena fake cry)

"Let her go! (Jimin said)

Eunjin nod and let go of hyena roughly. Hyena get up and run to jimin.

"Spoil (saeyun said)

Saeyun runs to the room. Hyena smirk at saeyun.


Saeyun shut the door hard. Eunbin run to chase saeyun.

" the door (eunbin said)

"No!! (Saeyun shout)

Then eunjin came.

"How is saeyun ?(Eunjin said)

"Her mood is bad after she saw hyena (eunbin said)

"We can't leave her like this or she will be awfull. Wait!? The spare keys (eunjin give an idea)

Eunbin nod and ran down stairs to get  the spare keys. Eunbin don't know which key is it so she takes all of it.

"Here try this one (eunbin give a key to eunjin with a panic face)

"Not this one (eunjin said)

"How about this one? (Eunbin give another key)

Eunjin try the key. Eunjin turns the door nob and the door was open.

Eunbin shock when she saw saeyun crying on the floor. Eunbin comfort saeyun.

"Saeyun..are you ok? (Eunbin said)

"I hate hyena! Why must she be here? Why does she wants jimin? There are also other handsome namja in this world why must jimin? (Saeyun said while crying)

"Patien saeyun. It will be alright. You and jimin will be together in happinest. (Eunbin said)


The door was kicked by jimin.

"SAEYUN!!! ( Jimin shout)

"Jimin!? (Eunbin shock)

"You come here! (Jimin pull saeyun)

"Wae? *why* (Saeyun shock)

"You have made a mistake! (Jimin pull saeyun's hair)

"Whats my mistake? (Saeyun cry in pain)

Jimin pull saeyun to the backyard.

"I didn't do anything jimin (saeyun cry)

Jimin take a thick stick. Saeyun is scare.

"What did you say to hyena! ( jimin shout)

"I-i .. ( saeyun gaps)


Jimin smack saeyun with the stick.

"Ahh! Eomma! (Saeyun shout in pain)

"Jimin! (Eunbin shock)

Hyena who was standing at the backyard door laughing while arm cross. Hyena likes to see saeyun's been touture.

"Jimin stop! Don't hurt her! JEBAL! *please* (eunjin hug saeyun)

"Move away!! (Jimin shout)

Saeyun cries really hard and quickly hug eunjin.

Jimin grab eunjin's wrist and push her away.

Jimin gets near to saeyun and smack her lots of times using the stick. Saeyun shout in pain while crying.

"Jimin!.. Mianhae! Mianhae.. (saeyun said while crying)

"Next time if you do or say something bad to hyena you will get it from me Understand!! (Jimin shout)

Jimin throw the stick beside saeyun and get inside.

In the room...

Eunjin puts some medicine oil at the back of saeyun's body.

"Ah..ouch.. (saeyun in pain)

"Its ok..its just a little ( eunjin said while putting it)

"Sorry we didn't help you saeyun. Jimin is really scare and grumpy (eunbin said)

"Its ok..(saeyun smile)

While eunjin is massaging saeyun something caught her attention.

"Hmm? What is this? (Eunjin said)

"Oh..that white colour hair? (Saeyun said)

"Yeah..How did you get it? It looks like my sister's hair. She has it too (eunbin interrup)

"Oh..i get it when i was 5 y/o. My older sister accidently paint it with a non- washable paint (saeyun said)

"Our sister had that white hair because eunbin paint it (eunjin said)

"What is your father's name? (Eunbin said)

"Jeon Ah kyo (saeyun said)

"Same as us! (Eunbin shock)

"I had a feeling that you are our little sister that we've been looking for 15 years. (Eunjin said)

"I had that feeling too (saeyun said)

Three of them hug together and let out some tears. After they cry and huging each other saeyun suddenly sleeps.

Eunbin and eunjin let saeyun's rest after the things had happen.

Saeyun sleeps with her unnies because jimin is sleeping with hyena.

In the morning...

Eunbin and eunjin woke up early and work as a maid. Eunbin will make breakfast and eunjin will clean the living.

Suddenly saeyun's awake. Her body feels sick her tummy feels like twisting.

She quickly ran to the toilet and vomit. Eunbin heard from down stairs and quickly ran upstairs to check.

"Are you ok saeyun? (Eunbin panic)

"Yeah.. im ok (saeyun said)

"Lets go to the clinic (eunbin said)

"Ok..(saeyun said)

At the clinic...

"Congratulation. You are gonna be a mother (the doctor said)

"What! Really (eun eun excited)

Saeyun didn't know what to feel happy or sad. If jimin knows she is pregnant jimin will not be responsible about it.

Eunbin, eunjin and saeyun left the clinic.

"Unnie *older for girls*.please don't tell jimin ok (saeyun said)

"Wae? *why*(Eunjin said)

"Because if he knew he will kill me and not be honest about it (saeyun sad)

"What!? A dad really likes children? (Eunbin said)

"Please don't tell him im begging you (saeyun said)

"Until how long you want to keep this? (Eunbin said)

"When its the right time (saeyun said)

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