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5 years later...

"Yay!!..we gonna meet mommy!! (MinJae and JiHyun happy)

"MinJae JiHyun hurry and put on your shoes. We are going to see mommy (jimin smile)

"Nae! Daddy! (MinJae and JiHyun said)

MinJae and JiHyun put on a same shoes. Twins right..

"Minjae and JiHyun sit at the back ok (jimin said)

"Nae..(both said)

Jimin help minjae and jihyun to get in the car. Jimin help them to put on their seatbelt.

"Ok..lets go! (Jimin said)

"Yay!! (Minjae and jihyun happy)

At the graveyard..

"Mommy..when do mommy gonna wake up? Daddy miss you so much. Daddy is so sad when mommy is not here. (Minjae said)

"Yes..Jihyun and Minjae noona didn't get to see your face. Jihyun know mommy is really pretty. Uncle V said. (Jihyun smile)

"Hey..daddy said mommy is pretty. (Jimin smile)

"Heheh..its just the same daddy (jihyun smile)

"Minjae jihyun..can you give me some time to talk to mommy? (Jimin said)

"Nae..daddy. minjae and jihyun will be in the car. (Both said)

"Good..(jimin smile)

MinJae and Jihyun left jimin.

"Honey..its been 5 years now. I still miss you. I really can't leave you alone. I try my best to live on my own with our twins. Minjae get my face. Jihyun got yours. They are so cute. When you are still here you can see them with your own eyes (jimin tear up)

Suddenly an angel stand infront of jimin.

"Honey? that you? (Jimin said)

"Jimin..its me. I heard you. I miss you too. I have seen our twins. They are really cute like you. I love you bye..(saeyun disappeard)

"Honey..honey..don't go! Huhuu..i love you too (jimin cry)

After 30 minutes jimin and his kids went home. Jimin saw a red ferrari infront of his house.

"Zoo!! (Jimin hug eunwoo)

"What did i told you? My name is Eunwoo. Not zoo. Mr.Mochi (eunwoo smile)

"Uncle Woo!! (MinJae and Jihyun runs towards eunwoo)

"Annyeon minjae are you? (Eunwoo said)

"Fine..we just meet mommy just now at the graveyard (minjae said)

"Are you sad? When you can't meet mommy? (Eunwoo said)

"Of course we are sad ..Uncle woo did not feel sad? (JiHyun said)

"Of course i feel sad too. (Eunwoo smile)

"Hey hey..don't have to much fun talking. Uncle zoo is going to meet mommy. (Jimin said to his kids)

"Nae..bye Uncle zoo hehehe! (Minjae and jihyun copy their daddy)

"Yah jimin don't teach them to say my name that way (eunwoo said)

"Its not my fault. They said it hahaha!!! Bye woo (jimin said)

"Bye mochi..(eunwoo wave)

Eunwoo goes to meet saeyun.

The Park Family..

"Are you happy to meer mommy? (Jimin said)

"Yupp..we miss her even when we didn't get to met mommy. (Minjae said)

"We just have to pray for her. Mommy said we should not give on her and stay healthy always (jimin said)

"Nae daddy..(both said)

" Uncle BTS , Aunty EunEun , grandma and grandpa is gonna be here. To meet you (jimin said)

"Yay!! More guest (both happy)

MinJae and JiHyun took a bath in a bathtub. Jimin play splashing with his kids.

They are a happy family even tho saeyun is not there with them. They will always remember Saeyun. Nothing can ever saparate them apart.

Their love for family is really strong. They care one other. So you must take care of your family and love them.


Thank you for reading my second fanfiction. I love you all. Comment what do you feel about my fanfiction.


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