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Man work sucked. lol It just wasn't busy. But yeah anyways here is the next Chapter! I hope you all enjoy it! 

Andys P.O.V 

Cooking class is over now, Harleigh and I walked back upstairs to get our stuff. Once we got downstairs I walked her to the door to go outside "Love you Harleigh!" I said while holding her hands then pecked her lips "Andy!" "Yeah?!" "Why don't you call me Harlz like everyone else?!!?" "Because I think your real name is cute and I like you it...But if you want I'll call you Harlz!" "Kay, thanks!" She smilled and we huged, I held her tight not wanting to let her go. I started to play around with her hair and kissed her head. "Love you babe!" She said while braking the hug "Love you to HARLZ!" I said her name louder and chuckled, she laughed then swong our arms back and forth "I don't want you to go.." She said disaponting "I don't want to either but I got to.." I gave her a quick hug and kissed her once more before going to detention. 

I open the door and saw James sitting in the middle of the class with paper and a pencil on his desk, I looked over to the black board and saw writing. I walked over to the other desk beside James with a pice of paper and pen on the desk for me, I looked at James then back at the desk that I guess have to sit at. I looked back at James then grabed my paper and pen and walked to the back of the class room. 

After I wrote on each side of the paper saying I won't bug James blah blah blah blah I started to tap my hands on the desk making a beat. James turned around and glarred at me "DO you mind!?" I stop taping my hands on the desk then started to hum a song " Are you FUCKN kinding me!" He yelled, I gotta say making this dude mad is funny! I stop  humming then started to tap my feet, James punched the desk and stood up "Why don't you just SHUT THE FUCK UP!" I chuckled "YOU THINK THIS IS FUNNY!?!" "Man you just need to calm. The. Fuck. Down!" I chuckled while nodding my head. He made a fist and took a deep breath then sat back down, this dude has some anger problems or something.....Or he just really hates me...Which ever I don't give a fuck. 

After a while of complete silence I took out my phone and text Johnny 

Text Messages: 
Hey man it's Andy!
Oh hey man wasup?
In detention...You?
Talking to my friend Phil. Hey man I got a question!
What is it?
Phil plays the bass...So yeah could he join too?!
Fuck yeah!
Cool! So when can we meet up?
I don't know yet man, after detention I'm going to meet up with my girl friend. How about tomorrow after detention.
Okay cool. How many days you in detention?
Just oday and tomorrow.

"Biersack!" I herd someone call. I looked up and saw a teacher looking at me, "Off!" she ordered, I turned off my phone and put it in my pocket.  The rest of detention was boring since we couldn't do anything since there was a teacher in class with us now.

After detention I called my dad to come pick me up and  not long after he was here. I got in the car without saying a word, after a couple of minutes of silence I turned up the radio. Motley Crue started to play, my dad and I started to do the air guitar and headbang to the song. Getting to carried away in the song the car started to go all zig zag, my dad stop and so did I. He put both his hands on the wheel really hard and got in control again, we were both serious for a while then started to laugh a little. 

After I got home and had dinner I walked over to Harlei- Harlz place. While I was walking over I text her saying I was going to be there soon. Once I got there I sat down under a big tree and waited for her. 

Forever Together~<3 (Andy Biersack(BvB) Love story!)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora