Calm down!

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Ashley is already in the band!*

Harlz P.O.V

It's all different now...Now that he knows. For the past week now he pretty much checks my wrist as soon as we meet up. It's nice to know that he cares and all but..It's to much. “Andy..” I said quietly as we walked across the road to the Ice Cream stand “Yeah?” he asked “I know you care and all...” I began to say then quickly told the guy what kind of Ice Cream I wanted then let Andy tell him. I don't really feel like saying in front of the guy..So I'll wait until we get our Ice Cream and walk away.

“But..I'd kind of like it if you didn't check my wrist every time you see me...” I continued as we walked away, he licked his Ice Cream not making any eye contact "I...I'm so Harleigh.." he said. We stayed quiet, eating our Ice Cream while walking to a park where there was benches that we could sit on. 

Once we found a bench we sat down still in silent "I just would have never thought out of all I don't want it to happen again" he finally said, I feel bad, I never wanted him to know. I would have like it more if he found out after I was clean.."Sorry. I didn't want you to find out. Like that anyways.." I mumbled "How did you want me to find out then?" he asked "Well I don't know..After I'm clean I would have told you.." I said quietly "Well I'm going to help you! You're gonna be clean forever!" He then pulled me into a hug. 

He then broke the hug after his phone ran "Hello?..Oh hey! Wasup?... Just chillin' with Harlz....Oh really?..Cool, I'll ask her if she wants to or not! But if she says no then I'm not going...I don't know, I'll call you back or text you!....K, bye" he then hung up his phone, "What?" I asked confused "They're having a party tonight! Wants to know if I wanna go but I said I'm only going if you come!'' he explained "Who's having the party??" I asked "Johnny!" he said "Oh...Well I guess so.." I slowly said, he then looked at me like I was crazy "Really? You wanna go!?" he asked loudly "I guess so, it wouldn't hurt right?" "Awesome! The party starts at 8PM! We might even play a couple of songs!" he said exitingly then jumped off the bench. 

"K, well I'm going to go set up everything at Johnny's, wanna come or?.." he asked "Nah, I'm gonna go nap or  something so I won't be tired tonight!" I told him, he nodded and gave me a hug bye. 

I started walking home wondering if I really wanna go to this party or not, look what happen at the last party he went to!...Some fuckn bitch starting making out with him and almost like fuckn raped him!..Well I'll be there this time! No bitch will be touching him in anyway like that! Only me!..Not saying that anything like that will happen..Well we never know...Well I'm planning on it, but really who does plan sex? Well people could b-arg whatever! Why am I even talking about this to myself in my head?...I need more friends.. Maybe I'll meet someone at the party! 


"HEEY ANDY!" some guys said as we walked in the door "HEY BEN! HEY CHRIS! WASUP!" he yelled back while waving to the guys, before they replied Andy got pulled away, he quickly grabbed my hand before he got to far. I have no idea where we're going but there is a lot of people here. I could barely tell what song was playing! It kind of sounds like a tune from like a DJ. 

My hand was quickly pulled apart from Andys by someone "HEY!" I yelled while looking around for Andy, but he's no where to be seen right now. What do I do? I have no idea where they were going or anything. 

I kept getting pushed around be other people while just stading there, I then got pushed really hard that I fell to the floor "OH SHIT! SORRY!" I heard a guy yell, I turned myself over where I saw the hand of the guy, I then grabbed his hand and he quickly pulled me up no problem, like I was a empty box or something "YOU OK?" he said loudly by my ear trying to ask over the sound of everyone talking "Yeah!" I said back "Cool! Sorry! I didn't mean to push you, people here just don't give a fuck!" he said while looking around, I chuckled as I noticed he spilt some of his drink on his pants "What?" he asked, I pointed to his pants while laughed, he look down and his face quickly went red "SHIT!" he yelled "WHERE THE FUCK IS THE BATHROOM?" he asked, I lifted my shoulders and looked around "I Don't Know!" I said loudly "MAYBE OVER HERE!" I yelled and grabbed his arm while bringing him down a hallway where there was 4 doors. 

Forever Together~<3 (Andy Biersack(BvB) Love story!)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora