This is NOT a dream!

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Sorry if there is lots of mistakes...I'm on the bus writing this and hopefully I'll be done by the time I get home and post it right away! I'll try my best not to make to many mistakes. But's the next Chapter hope ya all enjoy it! And thank you all for reading/voting! It means a lot(: 

Harleighs P.O.V 

Andy had his hand on my cheak still after whiping the tear away. Am I really important?! Does he mean all of this!? This must be a dream, it as to be! This all can't be happening now! I've always wanted this but never imagine it happening! It's not happening, this is all ONE big dream! Andy did NOT break his nose, he didn't get called to the office, he didn't get in a fight with James. And he DID NOT just take me tear away or tell me I'm important! 

This has to be a dream,  but its not! Yes it is! No it's not! 

Why can't I convince myself that this is real!?!

Andys P.O.V 

I'm gonna do it! I'm going to! It's the perfect time too! I've been wanting to do this since 7th Grade! Now is my time! She has to know how I fell about her!

Our lips finally touched as I closed my eyes. It felt right, amazing! Like we are ment to be! Never in my life so far has a kiss felt so right or anything like this! It was just amazing, her lips are so soft. 

I broke the kiss while a smile on my face and slowly sat back down on my chair. "A-are you telling to truth?" she asked me "Of course I am Harleigh!" I look down to her hand and put mine on the table to hold hers "Listen Harleig! I fuckn love you!" I tear scrolled down her cheek "To be honest...I've been wanting to do thatl, to tell you since 7th grade!" I said and looked down at the table then back to Harleigh and saw she was crying more. "A-Andy...I-I love you too!" 

Those words, they...they made my heart melt! I'm so happy she feels the same! This was the best time of my life, I can't believe this is happening. AND IT'S NOT A DREAM! 

The bell rang for class, I got up and helped her put her books back in her bag and whiped another tear away "Why you crying?" I chuckled "Because, I-I can't." She can't what!? My heart started to beat fast, please don't say you can't be my girlfriend or something "...It feels like a dream, I can't believe this is happening!" 

I smilled then kissed her cheek "Oh it's real baby!" she smilled and bit her lip as she started to blush "Cm'on lets go to class before we're late." I held out my hand to hold hers, she looked down to my hand then back to my face and smilled while holding my hand. We started to walk back to class and once we got to the door I stop her still holding her hand "So, be my girlfriend?!" I asked which was pretty stupid of me to ask now since we already kissed and are holding hands and she isn't saying anything about it..but it just came out. 

She grew a big smile on her face and nodded "Yes!" "Great!" I leaned and pecked her lips, even just a little peck felt amazing! 

We walked in class still holding hands tell we got to our seats. Man English class is boring! But I rather boring then having 20pages of work to do. 

Harleighs P.O.V 

It's not a dream! It is real! Andy and I kissed for the first time! We are dating now! I can't believe this! And the kiss...Oh. My. God. It..It-I can't even explaine how I felt or how I feel right now, I could never ask for anything more. My life is made. English class is pretty boring today, I just want to go home and spend the rest of the day with Andy. We always hang out after school and stuff but it's different now, now I can actually say how I feel and hold his hand. 

I looked over to Andy and saw he was as bored as much as everyone else was, it looked like he was gonna fall asleep. I deccided to rip a piece of paper out of my notebook and wrote Don't fall asleep on me! (; I threw the paper at him and it hit his head. He took his head off his arms and looked down at the paper on the floor then back at me "Sorry!" I whispered. He chuckled then picked up the paper and unfolded it then took out a pen and gave it back. 

Note on paper: 

Haha sorry babe! Luv you!

Luv you too! (:

:D ....This class is boring...

I know /: Where do ya wanna go after school? I tried to bring up a subject

I really wish I could hang out with you babe! But I got detention tell 6PM and tomorrow too.

Oh right D':

Yeah ):

K I really wanna continue writing but it's a really busy night tonight and I got to go now, so sorry for the short Chapter but hope you all like it! If I can I'll try to post another Chapter later tonight! I'll stay up too 12AM if I have too! And thank you @PoptartPrincess for fanning! It really means a lot! (:


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