Chap. 17

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Just yesterday I was at a funeral mourning the death of my distant brother, Anthony. Now I'm sitting in this court room preparing myself to hear what the judge is going do regarding Q's case.

"Mr. Green, how do you plea?"

"Guilty, your honor." He admitted to assault, but claimed he mistakenly killed the boy and called that self-defense.

"Bahj, he'll be fine." My dad touched my knee to stop me from tapping it repeatedly. I can't lie and say that I wasn't nervous for him. Before he turned himself in, he called and told me everything about that night.

"I hope you right daddy." I sighed deeply and kept my eyes straight ahead. Oddly enough my dad has been the one being supportive through this whole thing. He hasn't talked bad about Q or even called him out of his name.

"Why the sudden change?" I leaned over and whispered to my dad.

"What?" He raised his brow in confusion.

"You're not being a prick to Q anymore, why not?" He chuckled lowly. "Sometimes you have to open your eyes. I opened mine baby girl and realized that Quincy is a stand up guy. So, if you love him...I fully support you." My face slightly lit up.

"Thanks pop." "Don't mention it...especially not to him." He mumbled.

We went back to listening in to the district attorney plead her case and she was making really trying to get him for 1st degree murder.

"The defendant is a killer. He went in the house with the intention of killing Walter Davis because he thought that he murdered his nephew. It was all planned out and he deserves to be behind bars for life because of it." I shook my head and couldn't believe my ears.

I peeped over and saw Q looking like he hadn't slept in days. His face showed that he was just over it and wanted to know his fate already.

When the jury did make their decision, he stood beside his attorney cuffed up waiting for results. I was holding my breath until he turned his head and faced me.

"I love you.." He mouthed before looking away and it made my heart melt to even see him smile slightly.

"In the case of murder in the first degree, we find the defendant...not guilty." A sigh of relief erupted throughout the entire court room.

"In the case of aggravated assault, we find the defendant...guilty on 3 counts."

"In the case of voluntary manslaughter, we the defendant...guilty." Once all that information was given, I looked over to his grandmother and she appeared to be defeated.

I couldn't blame her because I was experiencing a personal low too. "Ok, Mr. Combs I'm sentencing you 10 years in state prison with a chance to be released on parole in 3." The judge said his piece and dismissed us from the court room.

This time Quincy didn't look back at us at all. I can't even imagine what was going through mind. What started out as getting revenge for his nephew took a complete turn left.


"Welcome to your new home." After 30 minutes of a drive, I made it to the Georgia state penitentiary with a bus full of others.

I hated that I was here again, but I guess that I have to deal with the consequences for my actions.

"Man can you move?" A dry voice stated and I turned to see the face that matched it. This big man eyed me down and I just shook my head.

"My bad." I moved aside and continued to walk out the bus. "Only ten more years before I go home."



"Green!" I was writing in my tablet to pass time and one of the correction officers called me out.

I stood up and he unlocked my from the cell. "You have a visitor." Lately, I've been having a lot of visits in these few months and it's kind of a bit much.

I hate for my family and friends to drive this far out of the city to come see me out of my natural element.

"Hey." She waved before I sat down and picked up the phone. I put on a genuine smile when I saw Bre from the other side of glass.

"Hi sis, you good?" She nodded slowly.

"Yep, I'm alright. How you holding up in here?" I just shrugged.

"It's whatever. How is everybody?" I asked. "Well, I bought my first house last month so I'm hype about that. Shay almost went into labor last the baby is the on the way for sure."

"Boy or girl?" I questioned.

"Girl, she naming it Shannon. I'll send you pictures." I nodded happily at the fact of her naming it after my deceased mother. "You better!"

"Your girl Bahja got a job offer in Minnesota not too long ago to do physical therapy for some sports team. They offering her over six figures she say." My brows arched.

That was the first time I had heard any of this news and I talk to Bahja more than anybody else. "You think she gone take the job?" Bre lifted her shoulders as if she wasn't sure.

"I don't know, she didn't sound too thrilled when she got the offer." All I kept thinking is that she has to take it. This is her dream and passing it up wasn't an option.

"Hmm, I gotta talk to her about that. Ain't nothing worth saying here for." I admitted.

"You know better than I do why she would want to stay here. She waiting on you." As much I love Bee, I can't allow her to stay here and settle because of me that's unrealistic.

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