Chap. 2

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"Nothing like waking up to the smell of mold and fish grease in the morning." I mumbled to myself sarcastically. I rolled over to see my nephew still knocked out with his mouth wide open. Flies are bound to come in there at some point, but I didn't bother him.

"Morning Nana." I kissed my grandma's cheek and she smiled with delight. "Good morning my baby. You hungry?" I nodded as I followed her into the kitchen and let fix me a plate.

"How'd you sleep last night chunk?" I shrugged. "It was cool, my back didn't hurt too bad." She shook her head and handed me my pill bottle.

"I keep telling you to take your medicine, but you don't listen." I never take my medicine unless I really need it because money is hard for me to come by these days. Especially since I'm doing everything the legitimate way now.

"I'm fine Nana, it's nothing that your cooking can't fix." She handed me my plate and I ate in no time. "Chunk, baby can you do Nana a favor please?" I stopped in my tracks to listen.

"Anything!" "Take Anthony to school for me. I don't money for the bus right now." I nodded and walked back into the room where Ant was.

"Aye, if wanna ride to school kid then you better wake that ass up!" He didn't move so I patched him upside the head.

"Ouchh!" He hopped up. "C'mon now Q, that wasn't necessary."

"Nigga, I know you heard me now get dressed before I do it again." I faked like I was gone hit him and he flinched.

I loved playing with my nephew, it's like having a little brother that I never had. My older sister, Jhene had him at 14 so we close in age anyway. She never raised him, but she'd stop by with funds every now and then.

"I'm ready unk." Ant came out into the living room where I was and kissed Nana. "Bye, boys. Please be good." We both nodded headed out.

"So, where we going man?" I arched my brow getting the car. "Lil nigga you going to school and I'm going to work." Ant sighed.

"Quincy, don't do me like that man. I need a break today and plus I can help you with your work." He smiled trying to convince me.

"Alright, but if you mention a word of this to he-" "I know, I know I won't say a word."


"Bee, let's go down stairs and talk to Q." I looked at Nique like she cray. "Who's that?" Her face went blank.

"That fine specimen that's working on your kitchen, duh." I shook my head at her constant thirst. "Will that make you shut up about him?" She nodded excitedly and we got up to go down stairs. I let her lead the way since this was her idea.

"Hey, Q. Who's your friend?" He looked up at us and smiled. "Hey Nique, that's nobody just my nephew Ant. I'm sorry, but I never got your name." His eyes focused on me, waiting for me to speak.

"Bahja." "Well nice to formally meet you. Nice place you got here." I just nodded and crossed my arms awkwardly as I watched them work.

"So Q, I'm having a party for my girl Bahja's birthday at my apartment complex and I think you should come thru." I raised my brows because this new info to me, but knowing Nique she just pulled that out of her ass.

"Oh, word! How old we turning ma?"

"21." I said shyly. I'm not even the shy type, but whatever. "Cool beans, well if it's ok with the birthday girl then I'll definitely show my face." I just shrugged.

"Sure, it's no problem." Nique shook her head in satisfaction as she watched us interact. "Greattt, I'll leave the details with Bee because I gotta go now. Bye you guys." She rushed to the front door and I followed.

"Since when were you throwing me a birthday party?" Zee chuckled. "Since five minutes ago, now I have to go actually plan it. See you later Bahj." Just like that she was out the door.

"You have to excuse her, she's a goof." They both giggled. The doorbell rang and it probably was Nique coming back because she forgot something.

"Hey, daddy!" I hugged him tightly as I soon as I swung the door open. We're like the best of friends, so it's always cool when he visits me.

"What's up Bee? Whose car is that?" He asked, walking inside. "The handyman."

"Oh yeah, I almost forgot. So is this kitchen coming along." I grabbed his hand to show him the amazing work being done.

"Tadaa, it's not quite done...but Q has been doing a killer job." I said in a happy tone causing Q and his nephew to turn my dad's way.

Q's face wasn't pleasant like it once was. He eyes widened when he saw my father and accidentally tripped over his tools in the process. I went over to him up, but he didn't want to be bothered. "You ok?"

"I'm good. You mind if I go on a lunch break or something. I think I need food in my s-system." His demeanor changed so quickly all of a sudden, but I didn't question it.

"Go ahead, take your time." He nodded and pretty much ran out of here with his nephew right behind him. I turned my attention back to my father and laughed awkwardly. He wasn't even looking at me, his eyes were glued to the door that they just ran out of.

"Pops you know him?" I asked since they seem to give off that vibe. "Not personally, but I know of him and I want you to stay as far away from him as you can when he's working around here." I nodded assuring him. "He's nothing, but trouble."

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Where y'all think they know each other from?

Does Q seem like trouble or nah?

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