Chap. 15

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"Is he ok?" I walked into the hospital to see everyone still sitting down with Victor right behind me. We had no luck finding the guy, but at least we know where him and his friends hang now.

"Umm, we don't know yet." Bre said, she had confusion written all over her face when she looked at Vic and so did Bahj.

"I'll explain why he here later." I chuckled. "Q, can we talk in private?" Bahja asked. I grabbed her hand and walked back outside with her by my side.

"What's up baby?" "You making me nervous that's what and the fact that you came here with my dad terrifies me because you hate him. I just wanna make sure that I'm not losing you." I smacked my teeth and smirked.

"You cute when you're worried." I insisted and she playfully rolled her eyes.

"Quincy, don't do that. You trying to deflect everything I just said with that damn sweet talk. I'm not going for that." She mildly snapped and I surrendered.

"Ok, no need for you to start saying my government name. I promise that you won't lose me if you promise to stop worrying. I'll never leave you baby and you can bet that." I cupped her face and planted my lips on hers. I wanted to calm her down a bit.

"I'm gone hold you to that babe." She backed away and bit her lip with a smile.

"It's nothing Bahj. If you were in that hospital in pain, I'd do the same shit for you." I assured her and pecked her forehead.

"Q...Bahja. He's out of surgery!" Bre came running out of the hospital and we followed her back inside.

"Sorry, but he's gone. He's brain the decision is up to you on when you decide to pull the plug. Anthony put up a good fight, but a bullet pierced his brain and his spine too bad. Again, I'm so sorry for your lost."

I didn't cry. I didn't sob and break down like the others. I stood there and looked off into space unsure of how to feel. Bahja held me and hugged me tightly while I just stood there in disbelief at what I heard. For reason I chuckled.

"Ha, he'll be back Bee. This is Ant, he always playing. He'll wake up." I guess you could say I was in denial.

"Noo, baby. Not this time...he gone." She spoke lowly and I just dropped to the floor. I sat there in pain and played with my fingers. "Bahj, you know he got a baby on the way." I whispered.

"Wow." "Yeah, my boy was about to be a father and instead his kid won't grow up with one." I muttered. Bee kneeled down to my height and rubbed my back.

"Maybe so, but that little boy or girl is gone have the best uncle on the planet in you. Ant had you and now they will babe." My jaw clenched as I started to get angry.

"Where you going?" She asked as I got up to leave. "Somewhere.." I mumbled.

"You want me to come with you?" I shook my head. "Nah, stay here." Bahja scrunched her face. "Q, you promised!" She said sternly like she already knew what it was that I was thinking about doing.

"Chill, I'll be fine." I pressed my forehead against hers and stared into her tired eyes. "I promise you that everything is cool. Matter fact go home and lay down, you look sleepy babe." She sighed and crossed her arms.

"Ok, but you better be in my bed when I wake up in the morning." I cackled. "You ain't gotta tell me twice, but can I borrow your car?" She furrowed her brows.

"Um," She handed me the keys and I ditched the spot.


I drove a whole twenty five minutes around the Bankhead area searching for ol' boy. Sure enough I saw his car in the driveway of a abandoned house. I patted myself to make sure that I had my clip with me, but I didn't.

"Fuck!" I groaned. I figured that I left it in Victor's car, but I couldn't turn back now. I had the guy right where I wanted him and I couldn't let him get away now.

I walked up and knocked on the door. "The fuck! Who is it?!" An angry voice rang from the other side of he door.

"Aye, man I just need a gram." I lied. "I got a full buck on me right now for it." I added. My goal was to make him think that I was customer in order for him to open the door. After that, the door swung open. When he spotted my face he tried closing the door, but I grabbed him by the neck before he could and slammed to the nearest wall.

"Let me go nigga!" He yelled and I gripped his neck a little harder.

"Nah, not until you tell me why you did it?" I mumbled and he chuckled. His laughter gave me no choice but to swing a punch to face. He fell back and I put my foot on his stomach so he couldn't move.

"Do what?" He asked, spitting out blood. "You shot my nephew yesterday and now he dead. You killed him and I'm now gone kill you." All I saw red when looking at him.

"Mannn, back up!" He pulled out a pistol from the back of his pants and aimed it right at my forehead. I slowly backed away with my hands up and laughed.

"Lil nigga you ain't gone shoot me." I joked and he couldn't believe that I wasn't scared. "Matter fact, just tell me who you work for and I won't whoop your lil scrawny ass." I offered.

"Don't try me dude. I'm the one with the gun and I don't have a problem using it. I'll blow your fucking brains out right now for trying to punk me." He threatened and I walked closer to his gun. I stood right in front of the gun with it touching my forehead, preparing for him to do what he said he would.

"Even with a gun pointed at me, I'm not scared. Pull the trigger if you bout it." Right after I said that I slapped the gun to the side and it went off multiple times.

I immediately went to kicking his ass like I originally intended to. I took everything out on him and knocked his light out until somebody pulled me off of him.

"Get off me." I turned around to see Victor staring at my arm and I felt a sharp pain in my shoulder. I winced at the apparent bullet hole in my arm.

"You shouldn't have came here alone Q." I shrugged my one working shoulder. "Nah, I needed answers and I got them." Victor shook his head.

"Ok, maybe you did get answers but you do realize that he's probably dead." He pointed to the guy on the ground and he had two bullet wounds to the chest from our wrestling match for the gun. I rubbed my neck because I although I wanted to kill him, I know that I didn't.

"Go to the hospital, Q." Victor sighed deeply. I raised my brow. "Why?"

"Look, the folks around here already called the police for a disturbance and I'm pretty sure they're on the way. So go to the hospital and then go home to lay low. I got this." He demanded.

"Alright, I'm out." I left and ended stopping on the side of the road shortly after. My arm was killing me. It was hard for me to even keep it together because I was hurting on the inside and the out.


I had been waiting on Quincy for the longest before I decided to doze off to sleep, but he was nowhere to be found. Calling his phone didn't do no good either because he didn't answer my calls.

My worrying was becoming out of control especially when I got a phone call so late at night.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Bahj, did you hear about daddy? It's all over the news." I stretched and sat as I listened in to Lourdes talking.

"No, I haven't. What happened?" I yawned and turned on my tv. "He got arrested." I arched my brow. "For what? The trap business finally caught up with him?" I assumed.

"That's definitely not it. It's murder Bee." I covered my mouth and for some reason I got teary eyed. "W-Who they say he killed?"

"Some teenager who was out here selling. The boy probably worked for him." My head was spinning. "They say that he had an accomplice with him, but the guy fled the scene." I started thinking about Q and it all made sense.

"Ok, Lo I'll talk to you later boo." I needed to clear my head for anymore bad news today because it's feel like this is one big ass night mare.

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Excuse my errors

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