
Hazel dreamt she was standing on a smal ledge beside on the giants who were planning the strategy on beating the Olympus. 

"He agreed to our terms though we have to or else we all go back to father!" Gration bellowed.

"It doesn't matter there is one Titan up here and if we fall he must lead the armies to victory." Porphyrion yelled. 

"You would want togo back to kill the Olympians? You would really like to stay there for another 4 millenia?" Mimas asked.

"Yes." Porphyrion nodded. 

"I am with Porphyrion." Polybotes said. 

"Here how about this. The deal was, we get to cast him into Tartarus and we can't fight correct? Than let us honor the deal. Since with out that pawn the Olympian army would be useless, but the ones that really want to fight get to but only they would be cast into the pit." Enceladus reasoned. 

"Fair enough. Who wants to rip the Olympians heads off? Raise your hands." Porphyrion bellowed and raised his hand. Same with Polybotes, Mimas the bane of Vulcan, Otus the bane of Apollo, Hippolytus the bane of Mercury, Alcyoneus bane of Pluto, Clytius bane of Hecate and Gration the bane of Diana. 

The ones who didn't raise there hands were, Enceladus bane of Athena, Otis and Ephialtes the banes of Dionysus. So out of the eleven giants that were going to take part in the destruction of Olympus. Three of them decided against get cast into Tartarus by not fighting and honoring an agreement. 

Which surprised Hazel well a lot. She was than dragged out of her thoughts when Enceladus said. "Ok we have to have hellhounds far away from Hades and his spawn as possible because they can control them, the hellhounds and telekhines will fight against Zeus and his two children. And the telekhines will also fight against Hades with what rogue cyclops we have, remember we have to make sure we keep filling up the base of the mountian, if we do not the gods and demigods could easily kill everyone on the pathway up. If they do get that far we need the three drakons we have to kill them as fast as they can."

The giants nodded at the plan. "This time I promise we shall win!" Porphyrion cheered as well as the other giants as well. 

 ~End of dream~

Hazel woke up gasping for breath, she took a couple of deep breathes to steady her fast beating heart. She heard knocks coming from her door so she got up and opened it to find her cousin smiling down at her, his sea green eyes shining with happiness. 

"Hey Percy, why are you so cheerful all the sudden?" Hazel asked through a yawn. 

"Because we are here and all of our friends are here as well same with the gods!" Percy said with a massive grin on his face. Hazel was speechless, her brother and Reyna did it!

"That is great! I bet you are so excited to see your friends from camp half-blood." Hazel said with a smile as her and Percy walked through the halls to get to the deck to see the Olympian army. 

When they got inside a loud horn went off but it was definatly friendlies. As they got in rage of the camp all the demigods started shouting their names as a chant. "Percy! Annabeth! Jason! Leo! Piper! Hazel! Frank!" 

The boat landed and Percy insisted he goes last. So out came Frank and Hazel, and the crowd went crazy they were all screaming in joy that their all powerful friends were here. 

Next came Leo this time none of the Romans cheered. Leo looked at them and pouted. "Guys I was possessed I didn't meant to fire on New Rome."

The Romans didn't budge. 

Next came Jason and Piper and the crowd went crazy to but they were all saving their energy for the famous couple. Percy and Annabeth came out last, the Greeks couldn't wait they charged up the ship lead by Nico, the Stolls and Clarisse. They tackled the couple and each gave them massive hugs. Hazel and everyone were cracking up. 

Jupiter walked on to the scene. "Welcome heroes of Olympus. We set up tents like the cabins at camp half-blood find your parental tent, they will also be spending the night with you."

The seven nodded and sprinted to find their tent. But Hazel ran to the Athenian tent to see that the children of Athena and Athena herself were making up war strategies with Bellona and Mars. 

"Lords and ladies." Hazel stepped up and bowed. 

"Ah Hazel Levesque what brings you to this tent?" Bellona asked. 

"I am here to help. I know the enemy plans." Hazel said. 

Athena's eyes narrowed. "How child?" 

"I had a dream." Hazel shrugged.

"OK tell us everything." Mars said than continued. "Good to see you kept my son in line." 

Hazel blushed slighly before telling the war gods the enemy plan. 


OK earlier I had a prophecy saying. Two lovers bear the curse, theri relationship will be terse, the son of Poseidon beware, water shall be lost, to see his love, his act of last. Yea that won't be happening anymore! So hope your happy! :) 

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