Chapter Eleven: Waking Up

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You hear voices, lots of them. Some of them you recognised but some were forgotten. You slowly start to see light and blurry faces, you hear a woman getting closer to you "She's waking up...Lucy can you hear me". You nod your head, your eyes start to focus and you could see. It was your mom who was the lady, you smiled at her. You try to get up but it hurts, she tells you to be careful. Now you could see everything clearly, you could see a nurse coming in, you can see your brother playing his tablet on the chair. Your turned to your right and you can see a boy sleeping there, he looks so tired and you felt sorry for him. "He's been here all night and haven't moved yet" you look at your mom and give her a confused look. "Who mum", she leans back " Its Peter silly, I told him to go home but he refused, he really does care for you Lucy". You smile and stare for little while, then you see him moving and getting up. He rubbed his eyes and gives you the most happiest smile ever, "Your awake, I'm so happy that your alright". You see your mum get up and leave with George "I think I give you some space, I'm only outside if you need me". You smile and look at Peter, you try to move forwards but he quickly tries to hold you. "Hey...Hey...Hey, now don't move, you don't wanna lose all your energy" you both giggle but that phrase, you know you heard it before but you don't know where. You shake your head and you forget about it because you think it's not that important.

You have been talking to Peter over 30 minutes and your mom walks in. "Hey guys, Lucy don't get anxious but some policemen are coming now to ask you some questions about Yesterday. Now don't worry if you don't know just try for us" she smiles and sits down on the chair right beside you. The police come and your mum and Peter leave to give you privacy.
              (10 minutes later)
The police have been asking you questions and shown you some pictures but they weren't any help, you still couldn't remember. As they walked out Peter came inside, "Hey, where's my mum". He comes towards and holds your hand "She went home, just because George was tied, she said that she will come back tomorrow morning". "WHAT, I have to stay here for another day" he interrupts you "Or 2". You let go of his hand "My life is over". He looks at you and gives you a hug, you slowly started to feel better, maybe that's all you needed.

You and Peter have been laughing and talking about things for ages. You look at your phone and it's 9:00pm, you look at Peter and smiles. "Don't you have to go home, May would want you to go" but really you didn't, you wanted him to say another night. "No, I'll stay, I don't want you to be alone" he gives you a big smile. Even though you wanted him to say like really bad, but you wanted him to have a good sleep and go home to May. "Look I'll be fine, you got school tomorrow and you can come down later ok, I'm fine" you say and give him a fake smile but he doesn't notice. "Ok fine but I'm definitely coming back tomorrow after school" he leans over and kisses you on the lips. He gently puts your hair behind your ear, he kisses you again but on your forehead. He walks closer to the door but you wanted to stop him but it was to late, he just left. "Please come back" you say quietly to yourself . It was 9:25pm and decided to watch videos of you and Peter on your phone. You miss him so much even though he just left, if felt like ages. You have been looking at pictures and videos for awhile, you lock your phone and place it under your blanket. You close your eyes and fall asleep, it's been a long day and you deserve to go asleep early.

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