Chapter Two: New Girl Pt1

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~ outside your house ~

As you were walking to school you can see kids your age and younger getting on the school bus. You weren't aloud because your mum doesn't want you in the hospital again. You aren't close to your mum anymore , when your dad passed a lot of things changed.

~ Arrived at school ~

It took you 15 minutes to walk to school. Even though you arrived early you didn't know where everything was. You were looking around to see where to go, then you hear a hard and deep voice coming behind you. "I can tell that you are a new student because you look completely lost." You laugh nervously. "Welcome to your new school, I am Principal Mr James and you must be Lucy. " Yeah how did you know?" You look at him suspiciously. " I have superpowers that make me know personal things about people." You freeze . " I'm joking... why so serious, I found out that there is a new girl coming called Lucy. You laugh uncomfortably. "Come on I'll show you around and I'll show you where you locker is." Mr James walks on and you follow.

~ A few minutes later you are looking  through the the door to see your new class , then you inhale and exhale ~

" Here you go Lucy , this is your timetable and your new class. I'll introduce you.

~ You walk in ~

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