Chapter Seven: Appologies

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You wake up on Monday feeling horrid, you and Peter haven't spoke all weekend, yet you have been constantly checking to see if he had at least text you. You decide to tie your hair up in a quick ponytail and throw on a pair of jeans and a jumper, you are really not in the mood today. As you grab your bag to leave the house your mum stops you "honey are u okay, you've been stuck in that bedroom all weekend?". "Yeah mum I'm fine" you fake smile and walk out of the house.

You stand at the end of the pathway waiting to see if Peter will walk past but he doesn't and after 10 minutes of waiting you finally decide to just make your own way to school. When you get there you make your way to English where you are slightly dreading seeing Peter now. When you enter the room everyone is talking about the bank robbery that happened on Saturday evening but you completely ignore them. All you can focus on is how Peter has swapped seats and moved to the front of the classroom, away from you.

Before he can catch you staring in disbelief you quickly take your usual seat and wait for the lesson to begin but as soon as Mrs Martin begins to speak you zone out and find your self sending daggers into the back of Peter's head. How could he just ignore you like this, he may be mad at you but you are just as mad at him, he never picked up on your signs and even flirted with Michelle right in front of your face! "Lucy! Notes are on the board, not on the back of Peter's head!" Mrs Martins voice snaps you out of your trance and you quickly start blushing when the whole class turns to look at you, including Peter. As soon as you make eye contact you gasp at the dark bruise around his left eye but, as soon as you do, he quickly looks away.

"Lucy are you listening?" Mrs Martin asks and you reply my with a shy yes. "Well it doesn't matter anymore, lesson is over, everyone is free to leave" she announces and everyone hurries to collect their things. Before you know it you are jogging a after Peter down the corridor. When he doesn't slow down for you you grab his arm and turn him towards you but in that moment you can't seem to find any words. The corridor is quiet because you were let out early and neither of you attempt to make any noise. Without even realising your hand moves towards his face and rests in his cheek as you try to catch his eye. "I'm sorry" he says as he finally looks at you "I'm sorry that I ignored you but I was just so annoyed and I don't even know why exactly." He admits. "I'm sorry too, I was stupid for kissing Jackson, I don't know what I was thinking. I guess I was just trying to make you jealous" it feels good to finally admit how you feel but you still try to hide your rosey cheeks by hangings your head low.

"Well I guess it worked" he says as his lifts your head to look at him. Your lips suddenly meet and you instantly feel like fireworks are exploding in your stomach, this is nothing like your kiss with Jackson, it's 100 times better. It seems like your kissing forever when in reality it was only a couple of seconds but as soon as Peter pulls away you find yourself missing his touch. "I forgive you" you say and neither of you can hide the huge smiles on your faces as Ned walks over to you.

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