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After she had sent the message to Taehyung, she spent hours inside the bathroom. Her mother, her poor helpless mother was oblivious to whatever was happening was not in the house giving Yujin the liberty to do anything.

Yujins eyes began to turn red as she cried her heart out. In her eyes, her flat or rather, too skinny for her to be healthy tummy was flabby and fat. She looked in the mirror, her hands instinctively going over to her stomach and another on her cheeks. What she saw the mirror reciprocating was an image of a monster with flabby stomach, ugly face. A crude and grotesque image of a monster whose lone pair of eyes stared back at her.

Soon, she had started to weep. Her body hunched against the edge of the bathroom. Her initial immaculate hair now thrown to every side. A messy state.

Her heart was clenching at every thought she had.

Fat. Fat. Fat. Ugly. Ugly. Ugly

The words repeated banged on her mind, her nerves growing out of her frail body. As if trapped in a never ending maze of sorrow and self loathe, her hands clasped on her mouth to stop her cries and sorrowful moans. Her mind, a visualism of a home filled with darkness, despair, sorrow and endless hate.

In the dark her phone buzzed aloud.

Kim Taehyung

Yujin where are you?

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