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"Mine tastes like cow poop" Taehyung laughed to which Yujin chuckled. "Can I taste yours?" Taehyung eyed Yujin's self made ice cream. Her eyes widened and she contemplated.

"Actually sur-"


It was another voice. A familiar one at that.

"Huh?" Taehyung stared ahead to see a girl. Pretty in her black frilly dress, black vans and pale skin.


Yujin thought.

"Oh, Haeun noona! Long time no see." Taehyung smiled and heads towards the pretty girl. Yujin stared, slightly scared that Taehyung would leave her and slightly expecting Taehyung to leave her.

Yujin recognized her. The one who told her to know her place. The one who told her to stay away from Taehyung.

She stared with frightened eyes. "Haeun noona, meet Yujin! She's my date for today." He smiled a boxy grin to which Haeun responded enthusiastically.

"Hi! I'm Haeun! Na Haeun to be exact. Nice to meet you uh.. Yujin." Haeun had moved closer towards her, her voice intimidating Yujin who took a step back.

"Well now that we're all here why don't we go for shopping all together? Lets go." Haeun walked back towards Taehyung and placed her hands on Taehyungs who just stared in bewilderment.

"Sorry but Haeun noona, Yujin and I are-" Taehyung was forcefully cut off as Haeun placed her lips on Taehyungs lips.

Yujin's heart broke.

"Shh, lets just go, shall we?" Taehyung looked shocked, not at all pleased but him being the kind boy that he was, he motioned for Yujin to follow them which she did slowly, while looking at the ground to stop her tears from falling.

Stupid, why did you fall for a popular boy?

She scolded herself.

You should really know your place Yujin.

The three had reached an expensive and fancy shop. Haeun picked up loads of mens clothing and some female dresses.

She picked up some matching outfits for Taehyung and constantly asked him whether he liked it or not to which he just responded shrugging.

Soon after Haeun started to doll herself up. Getting isnide the fitting room and coming out with racy dresses.

It felt more like Yujin was third wheeling the two.

The two looked great together.

I wonder how Taehyung and I look together.

She took slow baby steps towards Taehyung who sat infront of a door with mirror on it, so Taehyung clould see his reflection and Yujin walking towards him from the back. Suddenly Haeun came out of the door, slamming it shut as she asked Taehyung how she looked. Yujin didn't oay any attention to her, instead she just stared at Taehyung and her reflection on the mirror.

Taehyung was wearing all black. Haeun matched with Taehyung. Yujin was wearing white, she didn't.

I should have worn a black dress.

She sighed slowly as she watched Haeun dragging Taehyung to the other side of the shop.

"Excuse me, ma'am but we were ordered by young mistress to take you out the store."

Yujin stared at the men with wide eyes then shifted her stare to Haeun and Taehyung who were picking dresses.

Take.  Am I an object to be taken out now.

Yujin frowned. 

"Please leave as fast as you can."

Yujin resisted.

"But I was here with-"

"Ma'am please leave this instant."

The men were about to literally manhandle Yujin out the store when suddenly they were stopped by Taehyung.

"What do you all think you're doing?" Taehyung glared at them.

"And you, Haeun noona. Did you think I wouldn't notice how you went off at Yujin at school and how you kept trying to drag me away?" Taehyung grabbed Yujins hand.

"I have already told you a million times,, I will never feel the same way you feel about me,, just stay away from me and Yujin from now on." Taehyung said and left the store, gently pulling Yujin towards him.

"Yujin? Are you okay?" Taehyung asked, sensing Yujin's complete silence.

She nodded.

They were sitting at a bench at the park, deciding to take a break from all the walking they did.

"You-you knew?" She asked as she wiped her tears.

"Yeah, I always watch you so,, oh wait! That came out creepy!" He tried to explain himself and Yujin giggled.

"Thank you."


Yujin shook her head 'nevermind.'  

"You're welcome. Need a tissue ,pretty girl?" Taehyung asked Yujin.

Funny how when you're in love, everything the person says makes your day a thousand times better.

Mrs Potato Head . kthWhere stories live. Discover now