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Yujin was by the water hose, wastering the plants because it was her turn to do so although turns didn't really matter to her because she had to do so everyday, if she didn't then it would mean messed up hair and uniform and lots more self-esteem-draining. [Not that she had any in the first place.]

It was lunch time yet she was watering the plants. Besides if she had to eat then it would be something like an escape game. Escaping the bullies that is.

"Little flower, why am I feeling so different lately?" She asked the small dandelion that was growing from the bedding.

"Why don't you ask that to yourself?" A familiar voice told her and she faced her shoes.

Taehyung sat beside her and waited for her to speak which he knew she wouldn't.. or so he thought.

"Wont she be mad?" Yujin asked Taehyung who raised a brow.

"Who exactly?" He asked. He wasn't stupid to not know that he was kind of popular amongst girls. Not like those anime's where the boy is worshipped like a god but he was liked by some girls and he wondered if she was being bullied because he was hanging out with Yujin openly.

"Your girlfriend"

Taehyung swore he almost died out of shock when she had said that.

"Girlfriend?-" he laughed.

"I'm a self proclaimed aromantic." He laughed.

While Yujin's frown deepened. "Being an aromantic isn't a choice. It's not something to say so blatantly." She said which caught Taehyung offguard.

"I didn't mean it  but I guess you could take it that way. I might not be an asexual but falling in love or being attracted to people seem really weird for me. Like its impossible. Isn't that being aromantic?" Taehyung asked as he folded his legs and sat down on the grass.

" I don't know. I've never been in love. But ridiculing or seeming to ridicule people who are, is rude and mean." She said as she hugged her legs closer.

"I'm sorry if I came of that way." Taehyung frowned too.

Yujin remained silent.

"Yujin, do you perhaps want to come with me on sunday?" Taehyung asked after some while. Yujin widened her eyebrows.

"Did that sound weird? Oh my gosh I'm sorry. I meant, do you want to hang out?" Taehyung asked again after shaking his head.

"Hang out?" Yujin unconsiously looked at Taehyung in the eye, tilting her head slightly as she contemplated whether she should accept or not.

Yujin realized what she did and looked back down on the ground, hugging her legs closer, feeling flustered while Taehyung was left blushing for god knows what reason.

"O-okay." She said and Taehyung smiled.

"Then I'll text you the details." Taehyung said before clapping his hands in realization. "Ah, thats right. I don't have your number." Taehyung told himself but Yujin heard it so she reached out for her phone in the pocket of her blazer and handed it to Taehyung.

"Here's my number. I'll text you the details when I decide on it okay?" Taehyung said as he got up, helping Yujin as well.


What she didn't know was that the event was being watched by various other hawk eyed people who would naturally bring Yujin to the pits of the darkness she already was in.

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