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Yujin's mum had been called by Taehyung a lot of times. Apparently, Taehyung kept running into Yujin and she would be severely bruised or have her hair all messed up and the reason was quite obvious. Taehyung wanted to help Yujin which was why he kept calling her mum but her mum had no choice but to agree to Yujins decisions after she had brought it up once. Yujin ended up skipping dinner that day.



It was yet another hectic day at school today with the third years deciding their universities and preparing for entrance exams and the annuals.

The library which was often quiet and almost empty were now filled with students reading books and studying. Taehyung and his friends were also one of them.

"hey, doesn't this seem nice?" Namjoon showed a pamphlet of a university to the rest.

"Namjoon, we have different majors. we can't attend that school. At any rate, we'll be attending different universities."

The conversation carried on as Taehyung stared at his phone whilst resting his chin on his palms.

"waiting for a text from your girlfriend?" Hoseok teased and Taehyung groaned. "how many times do I have to tell you? she's not my girlfriend and stop approaching her for that matter, she's obviously already bothered enough" Taehyung mumbled lazily as he brushed Hoseok off to which Hoseok gasped but then went ahead to talk about the university he wants to go to.


Yujin was washing her hands in the girls washroom after she had accidentally cut her finger with a knife during home economics.

After washing the blood off she went ahead to dry her hands on the dryer machine when she heard some voices approaching the washroom. instinctively she reached out for the closest cubicle and locked the door as she hid herself from the girls.

"Taehyung's calling the person again" they spoke and Yujin's ears perked up in curiosity. 

"I'm sure its his girlfriend now! he keeps calling her everyday." one ridiculously sharp pitched voice screamed and Yujin hissed lighty as she covered her ears.

"but it could be a guy." another girl added to which one scoffed.

"he keeps saying, I'm worried. whats he worried for? his relationship getting wrecked? oh well thats good news for me because then only can I own him." she said to which Yujin slightly rolled her eyes. Soon after, she got bewildered at what she did.

why did I roll my eyes right now?

its a short chapter but its beginning now :)

Mrs Potato Head . kthWhere stories live. Discover now