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The door opened slowly as Taehyung stared at his feet while sitting on the stairs. Light footsteps were heard and soon, Taehyung felt the presence of another person beside him.

Haeun stared at Taehyung. She smiled at him and sighed before turning to face infront. "You've grown a lot. Taehyungie." Haeun said as she closed the umbrella, her hair getting wet by the light drizzles from the sky.

Taehyung had a bitter expression on. He didn't know what to do. "I'm sorry." Haeun murmured and Taehyung looked away. "The surgery, I think theres still time." Haeun said as she looked at her clenched fists.

"But you've really grown a lot. I guess you've finally found someone you really love." Haeun told him and then stood up. Dusting her hands, she picked up the umbrella and headed inside. Taehyung stood up slowly, his decision finally being set when Haeun threw him her car keys.

"Just like the old days." Haeun murmured as she closed the door. Taehyung stared at the car keys.

Theres still time.

Taehyung quickly ran to the car parked outside and started the engine.

Yujin. Please don't.

Taehyung had reached the hospital. He qucikly went to the reception and asked for a 'Lee Yujin' only to find out that she hadn't registered at all.

He sat at the bench beside an ice cream parlour.

I guess this is the end.

Kim Taehyung

Yujin I love you. Please come back.|

Yujin I love you. P|

Yujin I|

Yujin where|

Yujin where are you|

Yujin where are you?|


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