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"NO !!" She cant be dead !!!

None of the others said a word .

I looked at her .

Her eyes were closed .

I held her closer .

And carried her .

And i gave her to derek to carry her .

And i turned to my wolfs form .

And told him to put her on my back .

And he did .

They were all surprised of what im doing .

That why arent i crying or anything like there doing .

Because i know shes still alive .

I could hear her heart beat .

And then i ran .

I ran to the pack doctor .

I got in his house with my wolf form since i told derek to call him .

And he gave me clothes and i changed and stella is beside him .

"Doctor is she going to be alright ." I said worried .

"Sorry alpha , but she needs a hospital i still dont know her situation" he said .

"Ok what are we waiting for ?" I asked him.

He looked at me worried .

"I dont know if she'll make on time " he said as my heart broke .

"Doctor , we're going " i said carrying stella and putting her in the doctors car and so as the doctor and me driving .

I drove fast enough .

We arrived .

As they quickly got her in surgery .

I was worried sick .

I stood there .

My hands in my hair .

Wondering .

Its all my fault .

I accepted to let her go to the mall.

If i said no she would've been alright .

I told the others were i am .

There all here .

Zia is sitting down crying with derek conforting her and so as kierra.

While karlie is standing beside me shocked .

While tayler is crying alot too with theo next to her .

I stood there .

Not crying .

Not showing any hurt from the outside .

But from the inside .

All my miserable feelings are scrambled .


It's been 5 hours since stella has been in surgery .

And i didnt move a muscle .

The pack doctor had finally got out of the surgery room .

I ran up to him .

"Doctor , is she okay ?" I said .

He looked at me .

"We still dont know anything , she hadnt woke up or move a muscle." He said .

I stood there .

Not knowing what to do .

"We'll have to wait . I dont think she'll make it . But if she does theres gonna gave to be a problem with her " he said apologizing again .


I quickly got the doctor and pushed him to the wall .

Im holding him from his shirt like choking him .

Derek and karlie ran to take me away .

But now my wolf is in control .

"You.will.do.everything.to.let.her. survive !" I said .

But he lost his breath so he couldnt talk.

And then i pressed harder .

"If she dies i will ķill you and every doctor in this hospital! Do you understand!" I said as they finly got to push me away from him .

He was on the floor where i took control again .

I stood there .

Not knowing what i have done .

They were all looking at me .

Then i ran outside to the forest and changed to my wolfs form .

And ran to my forest .

Im ready to see anyone and eat him .

Im ready to fight all the vampires that tried to hurt her .

And kate !

Shes so dead .

Three hours later .

I arrived to a waterfall .

I stood there not knowing what to do .

But karlie midlinked me .

'Isik shes awake' she said .

Shes alive .

She made it .

I sat there with joy and happiness .

She did it .

'Im coming' i said .

I ran to the house and got some clothes and wore them then got off to the hospital .

I was waiting to see her face .

I arrived to the hospital .

They were all outside the room .

"So ? Can we see her ?" I asked them .

"Until the doctor comes out" karlie said .

"Ok" I said .


5 minutes later .

The doctor is out .

"Doctor can we go in ?" I asked him .

"Yeah but there's a problem" he said .

I looked at him .

I was confused .

I didn't want her to have any problems .

"Which is ?" I asked .

He looked at me worried .

"She lost her memory"

Mad Love ( Completed )Where stories live. Discover now