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"I understand. Thank you. Thank you very much." I stood next to Dad nervously watching mom as she hung up the phone.
"We knew it might go to trial." He explained calmingly. Mom listed the lawyers that the school had hired and I sighed.
"It's a big firm. I've seen them in the newspapers."
"So they're playing to win." Dad shrugged. "We'll do the same." Mom nodded.
"They're going to go after our girl."
"We won't let them." I decided, taking Mom's hand determinedly.
*         *         *
I was sitting on a bench on the sidewalk across from the tennis courts, down the road from the school, my head in a book when I heard a familiar voice cussing,
"What the fuck! Man, people are trying to walk here." The familiar blonde head of Alex Standall was yelling at the car that braked only milimetres away from him. The two guys in the car, Justin and Montgomery laughed.
"The fuck is your problem?" Alex asked, tossing his backpack to the floor.
"Dude, Alex chill. It's all good."
"Oh it's all good. You think you can just run people over like evryone else at the fucking school?"
"You're tripping man."
"Okay." Alex glowered. "Get out of the car." Montgomery just stred at him until Alex yelled again, slamming the side of the car, "Get out of the car! I'm going to kick your fucking ass! Get out, Get out!"
I raised an eyebrow as Justin got out of the other side of the car, yelling for Alex to calm down. Everyone had gathered and was watching in a circle as Alex pushed Montgomery back into his car. I put away my book and walked forward so I could see. Montgomery returned the favour with a punch to the face, causing Alex's lip to bleed. He growled and shoved him back into the car, causing them to wrestle on the floor. I sighed as everyone started cheering, knowing that someone wss going to get badly hurt. I gasped as Montgomery grabbed Alex and started choking him. The fight continued and I saw Clay on the other side of the group. I began pushing through the crowd until someone grabbed my arm.
"Hey." I tried to pull away but when I turned around it was Zach.
"What are you doing?" He asked.
"Getting away from this. It's sick." I shook my head, wrestling my arm away from his grip before heading over to Clay. Mr Porter ran over before I could speak, to pull Montgomery off Alex.
"What do you think you're doing?" He asked.
"He started it." Monty shrugged.
"So what do you think you're doing?" He asked, gesturing to Alex who lay bruised and bloodied on the floor.
"Finishing it?" He joked.
"You think this is funny? Yeah? Come on let's go. Everybody, show's over. Go to class."
Mr Porter dismissed the group. I sighed and began heading inside, expecting Clay to follow me. I turned round to talk to him and saw him a little way away with Justin. Clay shrugged Justin off and marched over to me.
"You okay?" I asked and he nodded.
"Let's go." He motioned to the front of the school and we sat on another bench. I had just sat down when he handed me the headphones.
*         *          *
How many of you remember the 'Oh my dollar' valentines. Those were fun, weren't they? You fill out the survey and for just a buck, you get the name and number of your one true soul mate. And hey, all proceeds go to a worthy cause, cheer camp.
You had to describe yourself, and what you were looking for in someone else. I realised as I was filling mine out that, I was actually describing a certain someone. You'd think if my answers described one person that person would at least appear in my top five, but no.
Maybe it wasn't my fault. Maybe none of us can say who we truly are. Maybe we're more than what the world sees. Or less. Maybe none of us are what we seem.
*         *          *
"You okay?"
I looked up surprisedly, ripping out my headphones guiltily, taking the deep breaths that I always required after listening to the tapes to slow my racing heartbeat.
"Did you see that?" Clay asked Sheri as she sat down next to us, referring to the fight.
"I couldn't watch." She sighed. "I don't know why people act like that. People can be assholes."
"The school is full of them." I sighed, looking across Clay at the cheerleader. She chuckled humorlessly and nodded. As Sheri said goodbye and walked off, I also said goodbye to Clay smiling as he hurried off after Sheri, saying something about homework. I gripped the strap of my bag and headed into the school.
*         *         *
During Biology I slid down in my seat as the teacher flicked off the lights and turned on a documentary, mostly as an excuse to sleep I decided to do the same and shut my eyes. As I did the memories of the oh my dollar valentines came back.
I didn't match with anyone, I didn't fill out a survey. I was relatively new to the school, newer than Hannah was and still nursing a slightly sore heartache. Despite Hannah's best efforts, the survey in my bag remained firmly in my bag.
I remembered Hannah's though. I smiled lightly at the memory of us walking through the halls with Sherri.
"Why is Marcus Cole calling me?" Hannah asked.
"No way. It's dollar valentine." Sherri said hapilly. "I shouldn't be telling you this but I'm pretty sure you were on his list." I laughed and nudged Hannah playfully as her phone continued to ring.
"Answer it, girl!" I laughed. Sherri and I both leaned close to the phone so that we could just about hear.
"Hey, Hannah Baker. Guess what?"
"Hey, Marcus Cole. What?"
"You were first on my list for Dollar Valentines."
"Dollar Valentines. That is shocking, I'm shocked."
I bit my lip to stop from laughing as Hannah made a funny face.
"Say yes, yes, yes. Text me evrything." Sherri said as she raced off.
"How do I know you're telling the truth?" Hannah asked. "Maybe I'm not even on your list."
"Hey, well, if you go out with me, I'll show you."
"Smooth..." I mouthed with a cheeky grin.
"Says you."
"Says me. And my dead President friend, Benjamin Franklin who was actually not a president. Ready to buy you Hamburgers, fries, milkshake. Anything you want from the world renowned, Rosie's diner. What do you say?"
"Listen." She began.
"No, whatever comes after listen is always bad. Repeat after me. Marcus, I will definitely go out with you."
"Marcus, I will definitely think about it."
"Don't think too hard."
"I promise. I won't." She said as we rounded the corner and simultaneously grinned at him leaning against the wall. He looked up and chuckled. Once we were out of sight I squealed, grabbing Hannah's hand and she let out a reluctant smile that spread across her face.
*         *         *
I always kind of liked Marcus. You always seemed like a good guy. Then again, they almost always do. Marcus, welcome to your tape.

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