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I stepped out of the car, my shoes crunching on the miniscule stones littered across the parking lot.
"I'll see you later, Okay?" My mum called. I nodded and sighed as people turned to stare. I'd hoped people would get used to seeing me but they act like I'm a ghost. The ghost of my sister. I sighed and started trudging across the lot to the school whrn I looked up and noticed I was walking behind Clay. I subtly picked up the pace so that I was walking beside him and I nudged his shoulder gently. He looked up, surprised to see me.
"Hey." He acknowledged. As we walked into the school hallway I noticed Zach and Justin leaning against the wall murmuring. I took a deep breath and nodded to Clay who continued down the hallway, glaring at Justin as he did so.
As I walked up to them Zach slipped an arm around my waist and pulled me to him. I smiled tightly, refusing to look up. I knew that if I did I wouldn't be able to control myself.
"You ok, Mel?" I stopped myself from looking up as I recognised the voice as Justin's.
"Mhmm." I nodded once, quickly and pulled away from Zach.
"Mel?" He questioned with a frown.
"I, uh, gotta get to homeroom." I stuttered, clenching my fists tightly by my sides. I raised a hand over my shoulder as a farewell as I continued down the hall hurriedly, getting lost in the sea of students.
That evening I found myself knocking on Clay's door once more.
"Oh, hello." Mrs Jensen smiled once she recognised my face. I opened my mouth to explain why I was stood on her doorstep but she spoke before I had the chance.
"History project? Clay's upstairs." She smiled warmly and invited me in, the atmosphere of the house was light and happy, at least much happier than mine.
"Can I get you a drink or, anything to eat?" She asked kindly and I shook my head. She clearly knew who I was and I didn't want her pity. I just needed to listen to the tapes. I thanked her and moved past her to go up the stairs. Upon reaching Clay's door I lifted a hand and knocked quietly. After a moment I heard shuffling and the door was pulled open,
"Mum, I told you I- " Clay froze. "Mel."
"Hey." I waved and Clay came to life, stepping back and inviting me into his room.
"You ready?" He asked as I inserted my headphones into the splitter.
*          *          *
"Welcome back. So glad you're still listening. Are you having fun? You must be wondering who's next, and why. Is it you? What did you do? How did you end up on these tapes? Maybe you did something cruel. Or maybe you just watched it happen. Maybe you didn't even realise you were being cruel. maybe you didn't do anything at all. And maybe you should have. Too late. Oh and uh, by the way, I'm still dead."
A knock on the door caused us both to rip out our headphones. Slowly Clay's door creaked open and his mother peered cautiously round the door. We both looked at her expecantly.
"I got you some food." She smiled, displaying the plate with an assortment of snacks.
"Thank you, Mrs Jensen." I tried to smile but Hannah's words were still ringing in my head.
"Well, if you need anything else..." She trailed off as she handed Clay the plate and backed out of the room. A few moments later, after checking she was gone Clay looked at me. I nodded silently, sitting closer to him on the bed so that our shoulders were touching, I was comforted by the thoughts that Clay had at least an inkling of what i was going through. It was a strange comfort to me as Clay pressed play once more.
"Friendship. It's complicated. But don't worry you won't go through this alone. That's not fun. Trust me. I've been there. But fear  not we'll get through this. Step by step. Tape by tape. You and me. Together. And don't forget. There are others."
I stayed till late that evening when another knock on the door pulled us from our thoughts.
"Melanie, it's time for you to go home sweetie." I stood reluctantly and took my earphones out. I smiled at Clay and waved lightly.
"See you tomorrow Jensen."
He gave me a small smile, returning the wave half-heartedly.
"Do you need a lift home?" His mother asked as I stepped out the door.
"I'll be fine. A walk will clear my head and stuff."
I stepped out into the street and pulled my jacket closer to me. Hannah's words still echoed in my head, ghostly and haunting,
"See, I can guarantee that one of the reasons you're still listening is that you want to know, who are the others. Who else is responsible for my death. Well, you're going to learn soon enough, and of course, they're going to learn about you too. If they haven't already. What, feeling paranoid, on edge? Yeah, high school does that to a person. You never really know who you can trust. And who you can't."
*          *          *
"Where were you?" As soon as I stepped one foot into the house my mother descended upon me.
"I, already told you." I frowned. "I went over to Clay's. History assignment."
"Clay? Clay Jensen?" She looked up at me sadly.
"Yeah, do you know him?" I asked confusedly.
"He, uh, worked at the Cresmont, didn't he?" I sighed and shook my head.
"I'm going to bed."
"Honey, please. When you feel like you can talk, tell us. I know it's hard but we need to find out why. Why she did this. To you, to us." She finished brokenly, staring at me with eyes that quickly flooded with tears.
"Mum..." I sighed and stepped forwards to support her frail body. She clung to me desperately as I lead her up the stairs and left into her room. The room was dark and I lay her down on the bed and I smoothed her hair back as her eyes fluttered tiredly.
"Get some sleep, mum." I stood but she caught my hand gently.
"Thank you, Hannah." She whispered into the dark.

13 Reasons why // The 14th ReasonTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon