// 14 //

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Boys are assholes. Some are assholes all the time. All are assholes some of the time. It's just how boys are. well maybe not all boys. Mostly boys are assholes. But girls... Girls can be evil.
Courtney Crimsen. What a pretty name. And a pretty girl. With a perfect family. Coffee together every morning. And your also very nice. Everyone says so. You're nice to everyone. All the time. You're one of the nost popular girls in school and you are just so nice. Right?
* * *
As I walked into school the next day I knew that I wasn't the only one who had guessed who the guy from the picture was. I ignored Bryce's group as they shouted and called at Tyler, who walked hurriedly in front of me. He ignored them and walked past, spending the whole day avoiding everyone's gaze.
I watched as Courtney and another few girls walked up to Hannah's memorial clutching bouquets. I shook my head, still having Hannah's words from the tapes ringing through my head
* * *
I hoped we could be friends Courtney. I needed a friend. I think you did too. But you had some secrets you wanted to keep. Even from yourself.
* * *
I was leaning on my hand as I sat in my desk during History.
"Courtney? Courtney?"
I looked up interestedly as the teacher managed to get Courtney to snap out of her daze. I nodded and mumbled an answer when the teacher turned to me, deciding to doodle in my book for the remainder of the lesson.
As I left the class, slinging my bag over my shoulder and heading towards my locker I saw Zach up ahead standing by the memorial. I sighed and decided to load my books into my locker before heading towards him.
"Oh, Mel, hey." He jumped slightly and spun around to face me. He looked guiltily back over his shoulder.
"It's crazy, huh?"
"What?" He asked nervously, looking down at me.
"How many people really cared about Hannah. 'We miss you.' 'You deserved better.' 'You're in our hearts.'" I scoffed reading aloud the notes. I felt a faniliar feeling wash over me and my eyes started to prick. I took a deep breath and turned around, Zach strode after me. I ignored his gaze, staring instead at the floor as everyone pushed past us. I felt him grab my hand and pull me to a stop.
"Are you going to eat?" He asked
"Mhm." I nodded. "Just gonna go to the loo first. I'll see you in the canteen." I waved over my shoulder as I turned around.
* * *.
After composing myself in the bathroom, I returned to the hall and saw Jessica, Marcus, Zach and Courtney seated at a table. They all seemed to be talking seriously. I walked up quietly behind them,
"I'm with Justin. We need to do something serious. You said she knows." Zach said looking at Marcus angrily. "I'm not letting her hear mine."
I could only hear a fraction of what was said, the words, 'her' and 'mine' were the most obvious.
"Hey guys!" I gripped Zach's shoulders and he jumped violently.
"Woah, dude!" I chuckled quietly at his expression. He was less than amused.
"Seriously, Mel?" He sighed as I sat next to him and he wrapped an arm round my waist.
"What? What's up? You guys all look kinda... I don't know. Weird?" I glanced around the table. Everyone avoided my gaze. Suddenly Tyler walked up to our table.
"Whatever you guys are doing, I want in."
"We're not doing anything, Tyler. " Courtney replied quickly. I was looking down at my tray and so missed the furtive glances the table shot at me but I felt Zach grip my waist tighter.
I smiled up at him inquisitively as I took out a cookie.
"Want one?" I asked, he smiled faintly and took one, eating it in one go to which I shook my head with a small laugh.
"Come on, it's not fair." Tyler complained.
"Dude, get the hell out. Seriously." Zach said menacingly.
"I have a right to be here guys."
"I will snap your arm in two." Zach threatened. I looked up at him confusedly as Tyler left.
"Zach!' I hissed. He looked away and breathed heavily, taking my hand and standing up from the table, pulling me with him.
"I'll see you later." Zach told everyone at the table.
"Where are we going?" I asked as Zach pulled me outside.
"Sit with me." He said as he collapsed onto the grass on the field.
"I was sitting with you inside." I pointed out.
He shrugged and hugged me to his side.
"Shh." He placed a hand over my mouth and I laughed, trying to pull it off.
"Your hand is sticky." I laughed.
"Your fault. You gave me that cookie." I rolled my eyes at his childish behaviour and leant back against his chest, closing my eyes contentedly as the afternoon sun shone on us both.
* * *
That afternoon I was helping Mom out with the shop when Dad came down with the box full of evidence.
"So clinical." Mom sighed. I ignored her as she said something about searching my room again.
"It's fine, honey. This is what they asked for." Dad reassured her. She made a noise that sounded like a 'fine' and walked away. Dad then opened the box. I looked inside and tilted my head, pushing aside one of the books to see a beautiful flower corsage that matched the one in my drawer. I smiled sadly at he memories before standing up and groaning as my knees clicked. I said goodbye to Dad who went behind the counter and followed Mom home.
"Sweetheart..." Mom said as I walked into the kitchen. "I know it's been a tough time for you but you still have us and... And you have your friends, don't you?" She stopped chopping the veg and looked up at me.
"Of course Mom; it's... Everythings..." I sighed.
"What about Zach? I hope you don't mind but... I invited him over for dinner."
"You what?" I spluttered.
"He'll be here in half an hour."
I sighed and walked out of the kitchen. I hurried around the living room moving cushions and picking everything up off the floor nervously.
Suddenly the doorbell rang. I poked my head into the kitchen
"Hey Mom just..." I trailed off, looking at her helplessly.
"No, no. I understand." She smiled at me. "Go on." She flapped her hands at me. I took a deep breath before opening the front door. Zach turned around and saw me standing nervously in the doorway.
"Hey." I smiled, waving my hand slightly.
"Hey." Zach chuckled. I stepped back and invited him in, scolding myself for the fact that my heart was beating so fast. He's my boyfriend for goodness sakes. He's been round my house before. Just not since...
I followed Zach into the living room
"So, can I get you a drink?" I asked quietly.
"Uh, okay. Water would be great thanks." He said as he sat down on the sofa. I nodded and returned a few moments later with two glasses in my hands.
"So, Uh. What did you want to do?" I asked as I sat down next to him on the sofa. Zach thought for a moment before slinging his arm over my shoulder and pulling me to his side.
"How about that film I told you about a while ago." He suggested and I nodded, turning on the tv and tucking my feet up to my side. I leant my head on his chest and we watched the movie, ocassionally murmuring to each other. My mom popped her head in a couple of times before announcing dinner was ready.
"Thank you, Mrs Baker." Zach said as he sat down next to me at the table.
"You're very welcome, Zach." She smiled and sat down with us. * * *
After dinner we finished the movie. Once it was over Zach headed up the stairs to the loo. After five minutes I went upstairs and found my bedroom door slightly open. I poked my head round the door and coughed. Zach started guiltily.
"Mel! Hey..."
"Watcha doing?" I asked, walking over to him.
"Did you draw this?" he asked, picking up the peice of paper on my desk.
"Oh yeah, that's not... I mean..." I stuttered trying to grab it from him but he lifted his arm above his head.
"Zach!" I whined, jumping to try and grab the drawing. I huffed when he went on his tiptoes and smiled mischeviously before poking his side. He gasped and crouched, yelling in surprise. I laughed loudly at his reaction before he pushed me over and I fell onto the bed. He then leant over and attacked my sides, causing me to laugh and squeal, trying to wriggle out of his grasp.
"St- Stop!" I screamed breathlessly, giggling. However, I accidentally kicked out and knocked one of the pictures on my dressing table. I gasped and sat up, looking over to see my favourite framed photo of Hannah and I had been knocked but thankfully not broken. My smile dropped immediately and Zach noticed.
"Melanie..." He began. I looked up at him sadly, tears in my eyes. "She's not going to hate you for being happy. She loves you." I looked down at my hands, twisting my fingers. He tilted my chin up so I was looking at him. I took a deep breath, feeling my cheeks heat up.
"I love you." He whispered, leaning close enough so that I could feel his cool breath hitting my lips before he pressed his lips on mine. I kissed back before seperating and we placed our foreheads together. Suddenly his phone buzzed.
"That'll be my Mom." He sighed. He stood up and held out a hand to help me up.
"Mom, Zach's leaving!" I called as we went onto the front porch.
"Thank you for having me." He smiled as Mom poked her head round the door.
"You're very welcome."

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